TTF Fonts broken on Mac Editor

  • #1, by fulviovFriday, 16. January 2015, 03:13 11 years ago
    Seems like the TTF fonts do not work as intended on the Mac Editor.
    Problems experienced so far:

    - colors do not match what is selected in the RGB window and the actual color of the font
    - Selecting a border makes the font turn invisible

    Is this a known problem?
    Thanks in advance

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    119 Posts

  • #2, by NimosFriday, 16. January 2015, 11:31 11 years ago
    I have the exact same problem.
    I mentioned it a while ago for the 4.0 RC Version here:
    even with screenshots wink but unfortunately non of the updates fixed it so far.


    12 Posts

  • #3, by fulviovFriday, 16. January 2015, 11:54 11 years ago
    I also tried editing the TTF fonts on windows and compiling on the mac, but it does not work as well.

    Update: I have just tried to compile a build for Mac directly from windows, and it's broken as well (invisible fonts, or wrong colors).
    This basically means that right now it is not possible to use TTF fonts if somebody is planning a Mac version of the game.

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  • #4, by BigStansFriday, 16. January 2015, 17:30 11 years ago
    We've fixed this already. In our next release it works smile

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    361 Posts

  • #5, by fulviovFriday, 16. January 2015, 17:46 11 years ago
    Good news!

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  • #6, by NimosSaturday, 17. January 2015, 15:16 11 years ago
    We've fixed this already. In our next release it works smile

    Any chance the update will be released before the end of the deadline of the Demo Game Contest?


    12 Posts

  • #7, by LebosteinMonday, 19. January 2015, 10:10 11 years ago
    These three field color selectors in Visionaire are interesting, but Is it possible to add the system specific standard color dialogs from Windows Windows and Mac OS Mac Os in addition (with an extra button on the right for example)? They have the advantage that you can access user-defined colors and palettes. In Mac OS you can create and save own palettes and you can acess these palettes system-wide. So I can save favourite colors outside from Visionaire and I could retrieve these colors inside Visionaire, If these system color picker would be called. The Mac OS color picker is very powerful. For example you can load images and pick colors.

    Key Killer

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  • #8, by fulviovMonday, 19. January 2015, 10:37 11 years ago
    I agree with Lebostein, the original OS color pickers would be a much better alternative smile

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  • #9, by BigStansMonday, 19. January 2015, 21:01 11 years ago
    We now that. Simon was working on an new GUI for the editor.

    Great Poster

    361 Posts

  • #10, by NovelSaturday, 31. January 2015, 13:54 10 years ago
    Hey, when will the new version be out? I really need it for the final version of my game.


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