Toonz goes Open Source

  • #1, by EinzelkämpferTuesday, 22. March 2016, 11:00 9 years ago
    I personally have no experience in graphic animation, but I just came across the news of the "Toonz" software going Open Source this saturday (March 26th). Since this is some professional piece of software (e.g. used to realize "Futurama"), this may come in handy for adventure developers, too.!news/aawrs


    81 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeTuesday, 22. March 2016, 12:58 9 years ago
    Cheers for the info. wink


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by DamianoWednesday, 23. March 2016, 01:31 9 years ago
    I just wanted to make a post about this. Of course such good news spread like a virus. smile


    35 Posts

  • #4, by TinTinWednesday, 23. March 2016, 05:53 9 years ago
    I worked with Toonz . It's brilliant software . It's very professional for traditional animations but for paperless I prefer Toonboom harmony .

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  • #5, by MachtnixWednesday, 23. March 2016, 20:48 9 years ago
    Sounds great. If it's true, it's mine immediately :-) But:
    Digital Video and Dwango agreed to close the deal under the condition Dwango will publish and develop an Open Source platform based on Toonz (OpenToonz).
    I think, it will be a light version for free using.

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