The Sacrifice - First little Visionaire Game

  • #1, by JoelSaturday, 31. October 2015, 14:51 9 years ago
    Hi All

    Since i've been nagging several forum members with my newbie problems i thought i at least ought to get you a bit of insight into what i'm working on smile

    It's just a little three-room game to learn the engine (as some of you have witnessed wink)

    I'm using Aseprite for all the Graphics and Animation and some further Audio Software for Music and Sound Effects. I'm currently mainly animating but soon i should have everything ready. The Character Portrait you see on the Inventory bar will (hopefully) show different emotions depending on the actions taken in the game as well as talk during dialogue. Kind of like in Doom, where the character gets more and more beat up or the SNES game Clocktower smile

    Hope to post some updates soon over the weekend (working full steam on this... no partying for me roll )

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  • #2, by loro-gamesSaturday, 31. October 2015, 15:01 9 years ago
    Very nice, dude! Keep up the good work. I really like the style!


    64 Posts

  • #3, by tristan-kangSaturday, 31. October 2015, 18:40 9 years ago
    So.. what's the game's story about? Curious.

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  • #4, by JoelSaturday, 31. October 2015, 20:09 9 years ago
    Very nice, dude! Keep up the good work. I really like the style!

    Thank you smile

    So.. what's the game's story about? Curious.

    Well, it's about a sacrificial Maiden who frees herself from her captors. Nothing fancy, remember this is only supposed to be a 3-Room Game and with no commercial purposes at all. It's just my way of learning the Engine and get a little game out in the end. smile My past projects have been killed off by overambition too often, so that's why this time i'm keeping it small and simple, hence the low resolution pixel art (which is a lot of fun to do and QUICK! smile)

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  • #5, by tristan-kangSaturday, 31. October 2015, 20:18 9 years ago
    Just free herself from her captors? It's really simple story lol. But you can vary the methods in order to make a game look dynamic.

    My past projects have been killed off by overambition too often, so that's why this time i'm keeping it small and simple, hence the low resolution pixel art (which is a lot of fun to do and QUICK! smile)

    Purchatory seems interesting. So bad it's cancelled.

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  • #6, by JoelSaturday, 31. October 2015, 20:23 9 years ago
    Just free herself from her captors? It's really simple story lol. But you can vary the methods in order to make a game look dynamic.

    Nono, keeping it smaaall and simple this time but at least i'll finish it wink

    Purchatory seems interesting. So bad it's cancelled.

    Not cancelled at all, i have the whole Design Document, but i have to take a more doable approach i.e. Low Res Graphics so i can do it by myself in a reasonable timeframe wink I'm all about keeping things simple but effective nowadays grin

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  • #7, by tristan-kangSaturday, 31. October 2015, 20:26 9 years ago
    It's Halloween season so it would be great if you keep up your horror project now. grin

    Sometimes simple is the greatest.

    By the way, I'm also making the game only myself but I am really a greedy person. Making around 10 characters myself is killing me.

    I have a big dream... really big. smile

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  • #8, by JoelSaturday, 31. October 2015, 20:28 9 years ago
    Well good luck with your project then wink Hope you'll pull it through!

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  • #9, by tristan-kangSaturday, 31. October 2015, 20:30 9 years ago
    I've been lurking here around 3 months but I never showed my games to here. I should do it sometimes...

    Good luck with your current, next, future projects as well!

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  • #10, by afrlmeSaturday, 31. October 2015, 20:49 9 years ago
    By the way... the next build of VS should include Spine support, so if you want to simplify your animations then you can use Spine to generate your characters & animations using sprite parts. I believe Simon said we can also access / edit various things during runtime too.

    At least I believe it should be included in the next version as it's included in the team wiki changelog under Build 1183. wink


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  • #11, by JoelSaturday, 31. October 2015, 23:59 9 years ago
    Well, thats great News smile For me personally, i still like the good old fashioned Frame by Frame Pixeling...

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