The Minecraft tribute game. Complete free comical adventure game written using VS 4.2.5.

  • #1, by minibigsSaturday, 08. July 2017, 15:02 7 years ago
    I finally got around to posting on here re. my point & click adventure. I wrote most of it in 2015 / 2016; it was the first game I wrote using VS.
    I revisited it, made some corrections & re-uploaded it 01 July 2017.

    I've just picked VS up again & intend to write more adventures when I have re-familiarised myself with it... possibly of the "escape the locked room" genre.

    A FREE full length comical point & click graphical adventure game suitable for all ages.
    "Myst like" mechanisms to unravel.
    Classic, fun themes,references and puzzles to keep you amused for hours.
    A new look at minecraft & other favorite characters.
    Don't forget to look out for all your old cheesy adventure game standbys.
    Written in 1080p so it supports true 1920 X 1080 resolution.

    4 great game sections to complete:
    - The bridge over the river que?
    - Dem Bones
    - Up for the challenge?
    - Riverside Capers

    140+ locations, 5,000+ interactions, 9 characters, 100+ items to find and use.
    Fully animated with loads of video cut scenes.
    150+ sound effects with great background music tracks.
    Full in game walk through.
    Warp to another location in the game section you are in...
    ... so no unnecessary revisiting of scenes
    Full unlimited Save and Load facility.

    The game has been tested & developed under Windows 10.
    All my games are completely free, virus checked and Ad free.

    Feel free to download & play the other free games from my website.
    "Measure up" & "The right path" were also written using VS 4.2.5.
    "Knockon" & "Walkabout" were written using Gamemaker Studio Professional 1.4.



    79 Posts

  • #2, by dionousSaturday, 08. July 2017, 15:11 7 years ago
    man, this is cool, my son will love it, he is sooo obsessed with minecraft, well done!

    will give you some feedback soon wink

    Forum Fan

    246 Posts

  • #3, by afrlmeSaturday, 08. July 2017, 15:41 7 years ago
    I've got to be honest, I've never played Minecraft & know absolutely nothing about it at all. Anyway, please could you tell me if the 3 games developed with VS you have mentioned are 100% finished, or still a work in progress & if they are, could you please let me know the name under which you are using for publishing them, so I can add you to the official finished games developed with VS list on the wiki please?

    Cheers. smile


    7283 Posts

  • #4, by minibigsSaturday, 08. July 2017, 17:24 7 years ago
    My lads love Minecraft too, that's what inspired me to write it.

    All games are 100% complete & I publish them under the name Steve Fifield.

    They have been on Itch, my web site, etc, for a while now & have been updated as feedback comes in, so are reasonably stable (famous last words!).



    79 Posts

  • #5, by NigecSaturday, 08. July 2017, 17:54 7 years ago
    Nice game smile
    I can go one better and say my grandson will love it lol

    Key Killer

    632 Posts

  • #6, by minibigsSaturday, 08. July 2017, 18:23 7 years ago
    "The Right Path" game is I think a good example of using VS to write puzzle / arcade type games rather than adventure games. It was written as action parts only, without using any scripting.


    79 Posts

  • #7, by afrlmeSaturday, 08. July 2017, 18:41 7 years ago
    Added: smile

    Hope I got the release year correct. All said 2016 in the more information section of each game on your account.


    7283 Posts

  • #8, by minibigsSaturday, 08. July 2017, 19:06 7 years ago
    That's great thanks AFRLme, release year is indeed 2016.

    I didn't realise that section existed in the wiki, I've not looked for a year or two, but it looks good, thanks.


    79 Posts

  • #9, by afrlmeSaturday, 08. July 2017, 19:18 7 years ago
    That's great thanks AFRLme, release year is indeed 2016.

    I didn't realise that section existed in the wiki, I've not looked for a year or two, but it looks good, thanks.
    I added it late last year or earlier this year - I forget when. To be honest you aren't missing much with the wiki. I've not done much on it in ages. The only section that I've been updating lately is the Tutorials section to add links to the German tutorial videos Sebastian is currently creating. I've not written or shared any Lua scripts in about a year now - at least since I switched over to freelance.


    7283 Posts

  • #10, by NigecMonday, 10. July 2017, 19:00 7 years ago
    I just thought I'd mention, the un installer doesn't work, I just get a file not found error in system32 folder.. so my guess it was never written in the first place

    I'm on Windows 10

    Key Killer

    632 Posts

  • #11, by maxpayneThursday, 13. July 2017, 11:27 7 years ago
    Loved Minecraft. Very curious about it...


    9 Posts