The Endless Night - Prelude

  • #1, by GhostlygurustudiosSaturday, 18. April 2015, 14:51 10 years ago
    Here's my game I am working on.. I started working on it a couple weekends ago for #adventurejam.. didnt get as much done as I wanted.. but I am turning it into a full game over the next however long..

    It's called The Endless Night. It's a game that takes place along a fictional Route 66... and a strange small town.. You can learn more about it on it's gamejolt page and play the #adventurejam version! windows/mac/linux.. i dunno if they work tho.. haha


    21 Posts

  • #2, by SDMonoMonday, 20. April 2015, 07:21 10 years ago
    Hey Ghostly... saw you game in the jam... looks great!! I didn't know you where using Visionaire. Thought I was the only one. smile Good luck with the votes!!!

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    148 Posts

  • #3, by GhostlygurustudiosMonday, 20. April 2015, 18:01 10 years ago
    What game is yours? I'll have to try an find it.

    Thanks for the kind words.. My first time using visionaire studio & gotta say I am really liking it!

    I have worked as an artist on indie games for a bit, but always find I am waiting on programmers to finish things after I dedicate a lot of time & finish my work.. So it's been awesome to be able to make something on my own even if I didn't get everything done I wanted to for the jam it was a good experience.. Gonna keep working on my game too! Even set up an that allows people to donate or download for free. It's been great.. Even if I haven't made a cent But not surprised since not much there yet to encourage people.


    21 Posts

  • #4, by SDMonoTuesday, 21. April 2015, 19:16 10 years ago
    Hehehe... yeah it's great not to have to worry about the programming side of things. Just create and set up the scene. My game is LAST CASE - THE DISAPPEARANCE OF AMANDA KANE. wink

    Just downloaded yours... gonna finish my lunch and try it out. smile

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    148 Posts

  • #5, by pdsWednesday, 22. April 2015, 12:15 10 years ago
    Hey looks super cool


    55 Posts

  • #6, by GhostlygurustudiosSunday, 02. August 2015, 06:34 10 years ago

    I just wanted everyone to know that there is a new build of The Endless Night - Prelude.. its short.. its simple.. it was made with the one and only visionaire studio.. its a prototype.. its being made into a full game.. and I am now back to working on the town & finally away from the first area! thank god!

    So whatcha waiting for? Go play it here!

    There's a couple whoopsie mistakes, but nothing game breaking that I am aware of.. Let me know what you think! I haven't had anyone say one peep about what they thought.. and its sorta bumming me out!


    21 Posts