The Diary of a Roadie

  • #1, by jonas-common-colorsThursday, 26. May 2016, 15:29 8 years ago
    Hey Ho!
    With Visionaire, I created a short adventure game called "The Diary of a Roadie" for the gamejolt AdventureJam 2016. You can download it here:

    I'd be really happy to hear what you all think about it! smile


    29 Posts

  • #2, by marvelThursday, 26. May 2016, 16:56 8 years ago
    This looks beautiful! smile Maybe you wanna write an official news for this project in the news area!? smile

    Key Killer

    598 Posts

  • #3, by jonas-common-colorsThursday, 26. May 2016, 17:19 8 years ago
    Thank you! smile
    I just wrote an article for the German news page, good idea! smile


    29 Posts

  • #4, by bananeisafreeThursday, 26. May 2016, 20:42 8 years ago
    Nice job,
    Really like the graphics !
    Played a bit, will be finishing it this WE.
    Thank you for sharing your game.

    Forum Fan

    120 Posts

  • #5, by jonas-common-colorsTuesday, 31. May 2016, 16:54 8 years ago
    @Bananeisafree: Have you finished the game? smile I'd love to hear your feedback!


    29 Posts

  • #6, by ptomaine-artWednesday, 08. June 2016, 12:09 8 years ago
    I just finished it. Made my day off! Laughed a lot.
    I especially liked the ending. Nice idea! Emmet's animations and the whole artstyle make my nostalgic adventure heart beat again.
    Missed music and sound, though.

    (P.S.: Absoluter Hochgenuss. "Niemand ist je so betrunken, wie der Programmierer!")


    47 Posts

  • #7, by jonas-common-colorsWednesday, 08. June 2016, 16:04 8 years ago
    Hey ho!
    I'm glad that you liked it wink
    Yeah, unfortunately, we had to leave out sound to meet the deadline of the jam. Check back in a few weeks, we'll upload a new build after the jam has ended!

    (Schön dass jemand meinen Humor versteht wink )
    Der betrunkene Programmierer

    PS: Du würdest uns sehr unterstützen, wenn du hier im Jam für unser Spiel abstimmen würdest:


    29 Posts

  • #8, by ptomaine-artWednesday, 29. June 2016, 21:24 8 years ago


    47 Posts

  • #9, by jonas-common-colorsSaturday, 09. July 2016, 11:35 8 years ago
    Danke! Haben Platz 2 gemacht smile


    29 Posts

  • #10, by afrlmeSaturday, 09. July 2016, 12:35 8 years ago
    Congratz mate. I'd say second place out of 150+ entries is pretty damn good. wink


    7283 Posts

  • #11, by jonas-common-colorsSaturday, 09. July 2016, 12:37 8 years ago
    Thank you smile


    29 Posts