The Adventures of Commander Shepard - New game released!

  • #1, by paraboleeFriday, 24. February 2017, 18:32 8 years ago
    I am finally ready to reveal and release the game I have been working on with Visionaire for over a year! First I would like to thank everyone on this forum for all the great help I recieved over the last year. I doubt there is a more supportive development community on the internet!

    The Adventures of Commander Shepard is a love letter/satire and "demake" if you will of the Mass Effect series; and a parody of modern RPG's.

    We are huge fans of Mass Effect and a project that started as a short animated satire grew into a full game after I become more comfortable with Visionaire and decided the merge the two interests. I have been a massive fan of the point and click genre since I first played Operation Stealth in 1990. A love that was truly cemented by the discovery of The Secret of Monkey Island later that same year.

    I appreciate any feedback from this fantastic community! I hope people enjoy the game and eagerly look forward to taking everything we have learned and working on an new and original game! 

    Please check out The Adventures of Commander Shepard at my new website -


    45 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeFriday, 24. February 2017, 19:28 8 years ago
    Nice one mate. Downloading now. Mass Effect Andromeda is one of games I'm most looking forward to playing this year. Currently battling the impulse urge to pre-order as it's a tad too expensive - even for the standard edition & I want the deluxe edition damn it!

    Anyway, will try your game out later on. wink

    P.S: I've added your game to the game index list on the wiki.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by MachtnixFriday, 24. February 2017, 20:12 8 years ago
    Nobody I know has a male Shepard *lol*. I think everybody wants a sexy hot commander to watch the whole game (me either)...

    Thread Captain

    1097 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeFriday, 24. February 2017, 20:56 8 years ago
    Nobody I know has a male Shepard *lol*. I think everybody wants a sexy hot commander to watch the whole game (me either)...
    Or played as the actual Shepard. I created a black Shepard with Laurence Fishburne acne scars for my play throughs of ME1, 2 & 3.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by paraboleeFriday, 24. February 2017, 21:25 8 years ago
    Nobody I know has a male Shepard *lol*. I think everybody wants a sexy hot commander to watch the whole game (me either)...
    Thanks AFRLme!

    @Machtnix - Lol I agree. I played through all three as a female Shepard based on Gillian Anderson smile

    I even thought about allowing the player choose between male and female Shepard. However I think male Shep is easier to make fun of and play for laughs. Especially his dead pan delivery of everything.


    45 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeFriday, 24. February 2017, 22:45 8 years ago
    Ok finished it. I liked the animation video parts. Liara was talking like she was bored - actually the whole intro video made it sound like the characters didn't care about the impending Reaper invasion & that it was just your typical every day monday; or tuesday, or wednesday, or thursday - or any other day you can think of for that matter...

    I wish you had voiced the regular game play parts too & added a bit of mass effect-esque ambient music fading in & out every so often as that part felt a little boring. Mostly because it was very quiet without the voice overs or any music.

    In all honesty I would have preferred if the entire game was comprised of a choice based interactive visual novel (animated video in your case) like the ending part as that bit was a lot of fun.

    Conclusion: if it was me, I would have done the entire thing as an interactive visual novel of sorts & allowed the player to progress what happens by selecting dialog choices & a or b location choices. The paragon/renegade stuff was amusing, but I would have mixed it up a bit by making it a timed choice so that player has limited time to choose one or a neutral choice would be automatically made. I would have also scattered a bit of ambient pad music in there too.

    Anyway, overall decent job guys. Let's see how your fantasy game you are working on turns out. wink


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by simpliciusFriday, 24. February 2017, 23:55 8 years ago
    Put it on

    Even if you release it "for free", you give people an easy way to pay tips.


    14 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeSaturday, 25. February 2017, 00:37 8 years ago
    Put it on

    Even if you release it "for free", you give people an easy way to pay tips.

    Are they allowed to receive money - even donations - for a fan game? It's copyrighted material. It seems a lot of fan games, art, covers are tolerated (though not in all cases) until money becomes involved. From what I've read it seems to be a bit of a minefield.

    I mean, I'd love to make a game set in the Discworld universe or an HD remake of the original Simon the Sorcerer with Chris Barrie helming the voice over for Simon again, but I doubt I would ever get permission, so I'm not even going to try. It's a shame as I really want to see an HD remake of Simon the Sorcerer 1. Or an episodic Discworld game based around The Night Watch & Commander Samuel Vimes.


    7285 Posts

  • #9, by paraboleeSaturday, 25. February 2017, 01:21 8 years ago
    Yes we will never take any money in any form for this game. As a fan game we can't, donations or otherwise.

    This was always meant to be a love letter to share freely with other Mass Effect fans.


    45 Posts

  • #10, by ArtNovaSaturday, 25. February 2017, 02:00 8 years ago
    Wooo..! Mass Effect party! grin
    Thanks alot, Parabolee, downloading! (Huge ME fan here).


    41 Posts

  • #11, by paraboleeSaturday, 25. February 2017, 02:06 8 years ago
    Thanks! Hope you enjoy and help spread the word.

    Thanks for playing the whole game and the feedback AFRLme!!! You rule!


    45 Posts