"Texts" Tab on the left, what is it for ?

  • #1, by Logan76667Tuesday, 24. February 2015, 14:16 10 years ago
    tl;dr: what is the "Texts"Tab for ?

    I'm currently working on a project I took over from someone else, and I've noticed that the "Texts" Tab is huge. However, as I'm new to visionaire, and have never started a project from scratch, I have no Idea what those are for, as all dialog, comments etc are handled through the scenes/objects/actions or characters/dialogs tabs. So what does the Texts tab do ?


    12 Posts

  • #2, by ke4Tuesday, 24. February 2015, 14:21 10 years ago
    There are comlpetely all texts you used somewhere you can translate them there to another languages, don't know if there is another usage for that.

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #3, by Logan76667Tuesday, 24. February 2015, 14:22 10 years ago
    okay that's what I assumed it was, thanks for the clraification smile


    12 Posts