Ah you meant a box for displaying all text in? You need to use the textPosition Lua hook function for manually positioning text.
This is what I am using in the game I am currently working on. It positions the text in the center of the screen, 34 pixels from the bottom of the screen. The script handles both character & narration text. It is however possible to add another if query to determine whether or not it should only handle character or narration text.
local offset = 34 -- offset from bottom (in pixels)
local x = (game.WindowResolution.x / 2) -- calculate center value of resolution width
local y = (game.WindowResolution.y - offset) -- calculate offset of text from bottom
-- * function which updates the text position of displayed texts (character & narration) * --
function txtPos(text)
if not game.CurrentScene.SceneIsMenu then -- if scene is not a menu then...
text:setValue(VTextPosition, {x = game.ScrollPosition.x + x, y = game.ScrollPosition.y + y}) -- define the new text position
return true -- update text position
return false -- else don't update text position
registerHookFunction("setTextPosition", "txtPos") -- define the hook function for handling text position