Text über dem Sprecher anzeigen lassen?

  • #1, by nuncioMonday, 11. March 2013, 00:49 12 years ago
    wie kann es angehen, dass meine hauptfigur spricht und der text nicht mehr direkt über der person, sondern irgendwo mitten im bild angezeigt wird?
    ich habe eine zwischensequenz, in der sich 2 personen unterhalten. zuerst war der gesprächspartner nicht sichtbar, da war die position des sprechertextes richtig. nachdem ich für den gesprächspartner "person auf position setzen" eingestellt habe, was ihn an dem richtigen ort erscheinen lässt, ist der text meiner hauptperson auf einmal viel zu weit links. hat da jemand ne idee, was ich da falsch gemacht habe?

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  • #2, by afrlmeMonday, 11. March 2013, 01:23 12 years ago
    hmm you want to have the display text absolutely positioned - like subtitles at bottom of screen for movies or maybe inside of a box or frame?

    I think you could use the narration lua script - which is plug & play - but it needs a bit of editing for it to work for displayed speaker text as it's currently for none speaker displayed text at the moment or you could use the registerHookFunction Lua command - but I haven't looked into how to use it yet ...


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  • #3, by nuncioMonday, 11. March 2013, 21:32 12 years ago
    no, the opposite smile i have a cutscene where mike is standing on the right side and kuddel on the left. the have a dialogue and when kuddel speaks he has the text above his head. when mike speaks the text is in the middle of the screen and not over mikes head.

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  • #4, by afrlmeMonday, 11. March 2013, 21:42 12 years ago
    is mike really close to right hand side of the scene?


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  • #5, by nuncioMonday, 11. March 2013, 21:44 12 years ago
    no not really close but in the right half. when i did this earlier it worked and i don't know what's wrong. in the rest of the game mikes text is okay. the mike in the scene is another outfit than the rest of the game.

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  • #6, by nuncioMonday, 11. March 2013, 21:47 12 years ago
    somethings strange here: i changed the font in mikes character options. i chose "game font" and now when i start the scene mikes text is above his head but still in the upper part of the screen.

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  • #7, by afrlmeMonday, 11. March 2013, 21:51 12 years ago
    have you set the character "animation center" correctly for each of the animations in the outfit?


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  • #8, by nuncioMonday, 11. March 2013, 22:00 12 years ago
    yes, it's always the right shoe and the line between ear and chin smile i checked this already. yes, now the text is above mike but in the top of the screen and not really above mikes head. the horizontal position is right already.

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  • #9, by petemqMonday, 11. March 2013, 22:11 12 years ago
    What exactly does "absoulute" mean?
    Absolute offset to screen upper left corner?
    Absolute offset to character upper left corner?
    Something completely different?


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