Text skip with left click

  • #1, by Patrick Dean MillerSunday, 08. January 2017, 12:40 8 years ago
    Hey guys! The problem I'm having right now is that the player can skip the "show text" passages when he's hitting the left mouse button. This is a breaker for the type of game I'm currently working on. Any way to prevent the player from being able to skip this`?
    Thanks in advance! smile


    9 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSunday, 08. January 2017, 13:07 8 years ago
    Wrap them in begin/end cutscene action parts or hide/show cursor action parts. Don't forget to untick the "always allow to skip active text" option under the game properties tab under the game section (cog icon on left hand menu).

    Cutscenes can be skipped with the escape (esc) key though, so if you want to completely disable skipping then use the hide/show cursor action parts found under miscellaneous.



    7285 Posts

  • #3, by Patrick Dean MillerSunday, 08. January 2017, 13:28 8 years ago
    aaaah thanks! this really helped me alot! 


    9 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeSunday, 08. January 2017, 13:30 8 years ago
    aaaah thanks! this really helped me alot! 
    No problem. smile


    7285 Posts