I'm sure I wrote something a little while back for someone else that did something like this, but it was to do with waiting until the audio finished playing for auto-skip or if a particular option was enabled then it would require the player to click to skip/progress the displayed texts.
Do you plan on adding audio (voice over) files to your texts?
Anyway, this was the small function I wrote for the other person.
-- * on text display function * --
function sText(text)
if Conditions["manual_text"].Value and text.Owner:getId().tableId == eCharacters then
text.TimeToWait = -1
text.WaitForAudio = false
registerEventHandler("textStarted", "sText") -- event handler for begin text
It needs to be added to the script section of the editor as a definition type script. You also need to create a condition somewhere & call it
manual_text, which you should set as true whenever you want the player to manually skip/progress the displayed texts.
The function above is an event listener. It listens out for when texts are displayed & when a text is displayed it checks if the text belongs to a character & whether or not the condition manual_text is set to true. If it's true then it will set the TimeToWait data strucute entry for the current text to -1 which means that the engine requires the player to skip the text manually.