Test build seems to have corrupted my game files/ or ini file?

  • #1, by andiliddellSaturday, 31. January 2015, 21:43 10 years ago
    Hey guys

    I did a test build so I could get a friend to test my demo game before submitting, and now whenever I run my game from teh editor my character is a black silhoute and other crazy stuff is going on.

    I even went back to a backup from yesterday and when I ru that file in the editor the same thing happens... hmmmmmm.

    This is not good at any time, but worse when I was just about to submit it.

    I know it doesnt need to be built to be sent in, but now anytime I run it its screwed!

    I eventually tried to change the company name in the editor so it would make a new ini file and sudenly my charactre came back, but theres other issues now as my versions are fudged up.

    Any Ideas?

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  • #2, by SimonSSaturday, 31. January 2015, 22:13 10 years ago
    Hey, that's because of your save games, they contain other links to the lightmaps. If the game can't find that, the characters are black. So always choose new game or make menu to access scenes. There is nothing wrong with your ved.

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  • #3, by andiliddellSaturday, 31. January 2015, 22:47 10 years ago
    Cool, thanks for this Simon.. typical scare right at the last few hours smile

    I've deleted all my game folders and rolled back a few versions, and all is back on track.

    Just need marvel's email address now, None of the VS Demo game competition press releases tell you where to send the final Zip razz

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