Starting scene

  • #1, by ygmantellMonday, 31. August 2015, 00:12 10 years ago
    I made a scene just to test out the Visionaire engine. Everything works great. But, I just dont understand one thing. The scene I made is not what I wanted to actually be the first scene. I know I can juts select starting scene in the main options, but if I change that, do I have to get rid of my start scene object in the scene I made, and make a new one in the new starting scene? That only makes sense, but I just wanted to make sure I was doing everything right.

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  • #2, by afrlmeMonday, 31. August 2015, 02:08 10 years ago
    Hmm? Start scene object? Are you talking about an object in the scene you use for positioning the playable character to? If so...

    To change the characters start position just change it in the characters properties tab. Changing the start scene in the main game tab just specifies which scene will be shown first. Preferably it should be a menu scene or empty, but if you are just testing then it doesn't really matter.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by ygmantellMonday, 31. August 2015, 02:21 10 years ago
    Ok. Sorry I got confused. Though, is a menu scene just a scene with buttons and such just without a character, or is there more to it?

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  • #4, by afrlmeMonday, 31. August 2015, 10:57 10 years ago
    The biggest differences between menu scenes & regular scenes are:

    1. menu scenes do not have way systems

    2. menu scenes have no z-index support (object centering) & the layer order is instead controlled by the order of the objects you add to the scene.

    3. because menu scenes have no way systems, they do not support characters.

    4. menu scenes contain the option to create save slots on them as well as the ability to specify the default mouse cursor for that particular scene.

    Even though menu scenes are not really geared towards playable scenes, you can however still use them for first person close-up views of parts of your regular playable scenes &/or for first person mini games etc... well besides the typical intention of them being used to create menus. wink


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