
  • #1, by Leader74Thursday, 19. June 2014, 09:28 10 years ago
    Hallo Community smile

    weiß jemand von euch wie man Sprechblasen erstellen kann?

    Da ich einen Roboter als Charakter habe der nicht sprechen sondern
    nur Geräuschen von sich geben kann wäre es besser wenn er dies in Sprechblasen machen würde.

    Ich hab zwar schon etwas gefunden komme aber mit der Umsetzung nicht wirklich klar.

    Vielleicht würde es auch ausreichen wenn mir das jemand genauer erklärt grin

    Danke schonmal im voraus

    Lg Alex


    5 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 19. June 2014, 11:38 10 years ago
    That script is not particularly finished... it needs a bit of work to make it display the speech bubbles in the correct place. To do that we need to calculate the offset based on the characters current size.

    I plan on writing up my own speech bubble script when I have a bit of spare time. It will be added to the wiki with instructions. So you can either wait until then, or try & get Uraal' script working.


    7283 Posts

  • #3, by Leader74Thursday, 19. June 2014, 13:35 10 years ago

    My problem is that I´m not realy good in scripting. I´ve always copied the scripts.

    But I´ll try it. Maybe a miracle happen and I can finish it. grin


    5 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeThursday, 19. June 2014, 14:20 10 years ago
    Also I would like to point out that the speech bubble animation will automatically be hidden while a cutscene is being triggered, as it seems to hide interfaces. You would have to use the hide/show cursor action part for cutscene instead.

    In regards to scripting: it's never too late to learn! wink


    7283 Posts

  • #5, by Leader74Thursday, 19. June 2014, 14:58 10 years ago

    Yeah thats right, it´s never too late grin


    5 Posts