SPINE Import problems

  • #1, by blablo_101Thursday, 19. October 2017, 16:37 7 years ago
    Hi! I have been trying to import a Spine animation in Visionaire and I`m totally lost _: )
    I have read all the post I have found about this issue (I think) but I haven´t found the solution of my problem:

    I have import a JSON file in VS 5 (in the outfit tab) , but the animations doesn´t show in the "3D Model animation" tab.

    I have export an atlas with the same name as the Json and I have attach the JSON in 3D model file... Am I making any mistakes? 

    I have made some screenshots of the problem and my process:

    Thank you!


    70 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeFriday, 20. October 2017, 11:29 7 years ago
    You've linked the JSON file to the incorrect bit. Look further down & you'll see Spine Files at the bottom of the character properties page. wink

    I believe Simon created it like that so you can link multiple JSON files to each character.


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  • #3, by LebosteinFriday, 20. October 2017, 21:06 7 years ago
    Same problem here. I have tested diverse spine files. No success so far. Either Visionaire crashes or all animation dialogues remain empty...

    Key Killer

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  • #4, by afrlmeFriday, 20. October 2017, 22:49 7 years ago
    Same problem here. I have tested diverse spine files. No success so far. Either Visionaire crashes or all animation dialogues remain empty...
    I managed to import the sheep animation that comes as an example with dragon bones to spine format ok, but it looked horrible in the editor. Jagged edges & seemed to have parts of the image missing. Also was some strange behaviour with scene scrolling while using the spine animation. It felt really jerky & was not very pleasing to the eye at all.

    The dragon animation that comes with dragon bones crashed the editor instead whenever I tried clicking on an animation to assign one of the exported spine animations to it.

    Overall it seems a bit hit & miss at the minute. Maybe an actual export from Spine works better? Thing is I don't own Spine & am not willing to fork out $70 just so I can test something.

    Only thing I can tell you is that you need to export as json + image, then you need to copy the sprite part images that get exported with it into the same folder as the json file for them to show up in the VS editor - at least that's what I had to do with dragon bones, so I will just assume it's the same for Spine as well.

    @Blablo101: what are the export options for Spine? I believe you need to uncheck the create atlas option that I can see in the first screenshot of your post.







    7285 Posts

  • #5, by blablo_101Sunday, 22. October 2017, 14:02 7 years ago
    You've linked the JSON file to the incorrect bit. Look further down & you'll see Spine Files at the bottom of the character properties page. wink
    ¬_¬ Well, that was easy : )  Thank you so much!
    Now the animation works. 
    I have used the Spine file tab and the atlas with all the PNG together.

    Overall it seems a bit hit & miss at the minute. Maybe an actual export from Spine works better? 
    No really... The final animation isn't perfect with Spine licence:

    · The edges seems a little rought: Maybe the edges can be smooth with the export options in Spine...
    · Sometimes one frame desapears: I really don't know why.  It happens when I press left click to skype the text.
    · the lightmap doesn't work in the character
    · the dialog text shows in the corner of the screen (and not above the character): I can fix this problem with narration text, but it's a lot of work to redo all the text in my game.

    @Blablo101: what are the export options for Spine? I believe you need to uncheck the create atlas option that I can see in the first screenshot of your post.
    In Spine, as far as I know, you need to check the "create atlas" option. If you don't check it, then no image at all will be export (Only the Json). But I am not an expert in Spine exportation. 

    You can see the export options for Spine in the attached screenshot:


    70 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeSunday, 22. October 2017, 14:52 7 years ago
    Interesting thank you for the settings screenshot. Maybe Spine support needs a bit more refining? Daedalic used Spine to create the animations for their game "Fire" & those look really smooth & crisp. They created that game in Unity though as far as I'm aware.


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by blablo_101Monday, 23. October 2017, 10:32 7 years ago
    Maybe Spine support needs a bit more refining?
    Daedalic used Spine to create the animations for their game "Fire" & those look really smooth & crisp. 
    Ummm, maybe... 
    Maybe I'm doing something wrong >___< 

    But now I know how to import the Spine files. 
    Well, I'm gona wait and use PNG for now. 
    In the next update of Visionaire 5, I will try again.

    Thank you for the first tip! I was really lost with those tabs!


    70 Posts

  • #8, by dionousMonday, 30. October 2017, 22:10 7 years ago
    Thing is I don't own Spine & am not willing to fork out $70 just so I can test something.
    Well there is a way to test alot of Spine's examples in VS using the free trial. Just copy the files from C:\Program Files (x86)\Spine Trial\examples\ (i'm using Win 64bit) to your VS installation. Make sure that you copy the images of each example to the same folder with the .json file!

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  • #9, by afrlmeMonday, 30. October 2017, 22:56 7 years ago
    Thing is I don't own Spine & am not willing to fork out $70 just so I can test something.
    Well there is a way to test alot of Spine's examples in VS using the free trial. Just copy the files from C:\Program Files (x86)\Spine Trial\examples\ (i'm using Win 64bit) to your VS installation. Make sure that you copy the images of each example to the same folder with the .json file!
    Ah nice, cheers for the tip. Didn't realize it came with already exported examples.


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