Spiele für mac?

  • #1, by nuncioWednesday, 06. November 2013, 14:46 12 years ago
    Moin! Ist es möglich, ein mit visionaire erstelltes spiel irgendwie auf einem mac laufen zu lassen? ich hatte noch nie mit mac zu tun, aber hab gerade erst erfahren, wie so'n ding funktioniert, von wegen keine exe dateien und emulatoren benutzen. wie wandelt man das um, bzw womit geht das am besten?

    is there a possibility to start a visionaire made game on a mac? is there an emulator you can suggest?

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    128 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 06. November 2013, 16:23 12 years ago
    check the news section (english or german) of the forum.

    David added an unofficial mac player earlier in the year (I think) - it also has some instructions linked in the article too.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by nuncioWednesday, 06. November 2013, 16:47 12 years ago
    ah! do you mean this here?


    is it for visionaire studio or just for people who want to play my game on a mac?

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  • #4, by afrlmeWednesday, 06. November 2013, 21:41 12 years ago
    yes, that's the one.

    I'm not sure...
    read the information on the article & on the tutorial link?


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by nuncioWednesday, 06. November 2013, 23:21 12 years ago
    i sent this link to a friend who has a mac and i'll see what happens. it seems to me like this link is a version of the visionaire program for mac and not just a player. but i'll wait what she says.
    i never worked with a mac and i was surprised that there are no "exe" files :o
    thanks for the link!

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    128 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeThursday, 07. November 2013, 00:03 12 years ago
    I haven't worked mac before either but I know they use different files/formats etc

    no problem smile


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by BigStansSunday, 10. November 2013, 04:11 12 years ago
    Da hat sich leider einiges geändert (auch am Mac).
    Ich hoffe, dass wir bald was aktuelleres releasen können.

    Great Poster

    361 Posts