You will need to use a registerHookFunction() with setTextPosition hook to force the text to the positions you want.
You can also use registerEventHandler() functions to detect when text is started or stopped.
Both of those functions allow you to check the owner of the text too, so on text start you could query if text belong to current character else it belongs to another. So you could set a condition based on the owner to enable the correct portrait avatars & determine if text should be on the left or the right.
In regards to the text, you should consider setting a fixed width inside of the font properties page so that the text automatically drops down to a new line when a word goes past the specified width. sorry it's a bit late for me to start providing proper examples & I've also got a terrible headache at the minute, so I'm having trouble concentrating.
Anyway, hopefully what I've said & the links I've provided will be enough to get you on the right path.