Spam und all so'n Zeugs.

  • #1, by MachtnixThursday, 25. June 2020, 16:43 4 years ago
    Ich befürchte, wir brauchen demnächst einen Meldebutton...

    Thread Captain

    1097 Posts

  • #2, by NigecThursday, 25. June 2020, 20:44 4 years ago
    lets see how well google translate does:
    it depends what time of day they post, I think Simon or Lee do a flyby every morning, but the recent ones seem to be posting later

    Mal sehen, wie gut Google Übersetzer funktioniert:
    Es hängt davon ab, zu welcher Tageszeit sie posten. Ich denke, Simon oder Lee fliegen jeden Morgen vorbei, aber die letzten scheinen später zu posten

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #3, by MachtnixThursday, 25. June 2020, 23:52 4 years ago
    Hast du jetzt vom Deutschen ins Englische übersetzt? Das Englisch klingt etwas holperig.

    Have you translated from German into English now? The English sounds a bit bumpy.

    Have you now translated from German into English? The English sounds a bit bumpy.

    Aber deswegen habe ich ja den Meldebutton vorgeschlagen. Somit brauchen die Moderatoren nur gezielt dort löschen und nicht ALLES jedesmal durchforsten.

    But that's why I suggested the report button. So the moderators only have to delete specific words from there and don't have to go through everything every time.

    But that's why I suggested the report button. This means that the moderators only need to delete them there and do not search EVERYTHING every time.

    Hier übernimmt Google zu sehr die deutsche Satzstellung... wink Da sind einige Klopper drin...

    Thread Captain

    1097 Posts

  • #4, by NigecFriday, 26. June 2020, 11:17 4 years ago
    yes, ok, I just translated something in both directions and indeed it was really bad, I don't speak any German so I have no idea if its anywhere near

    even that sentence is a bit screwy.. I'm probably better just rambling on in english lol

    but yeah a button maybe a good idea

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #5, by MachtnixFriday, 26. June 2020, 13:21 4 years ago
    Nobody says it's a duty to write in English here. wink 
    On Discord already...

    But it's not such a gigantic community here - the damage of spam might be manageable (überschaubar). It's only annoying.

    Thread Captain

    1097 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeSunday, 28. June 2020, 12:48 4 years ago
    Getting rid of the spam is easy, me, or Simon, & maybe Sebastian - I don't remember if he has the permissions on here, only have to click on the users avatar image or their name & the box that it pops up that usually shows information on it about the user also contains a delete member button for us, we click that & confirm & the member & all of their posts & topics they have created just go bye-bye. wink

    Literally takes me about 10 seconds when I see a spam post to delete that member & all of their posts.

    Also, I rarely check my VS email account, so I wouldn't be notified anyway. Spam on forums comes with the territory - I don't think I've ever seen a forum without getting spam on it once in a while, as there's only so much that anti-spam can actually do, seeing as I have a feeling that a lot of spammers are actually real people that get paid peanuts to spend all day spamming a specific amount of websites.

    The spam messages about writing essays in English are the ones I enjoy the most as the English in them is barely legible half of the time. grin


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by NigecSunday, 28. June 2020, 12:59 4 years ago
    if you look at any phpbb forum there will be 100's of guests and a whole bunch of new users with similar names all trying to post something in forums called General , News or Infomation

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #8, by woogySunday, 28. June 2020, 22:20 4 years ago
    Is it not possible to activate the new users manually?
    Or at least activate a few moderators who can intervene immediately?


    Kann man die neuen User nicht manuell aktivieren?
    Oder zumindest ein paar Moderatoren aktivieren die sofort eingreifen können?


    17 Posts

  • #9, by afrlmeSaturday, 04. July 2020, 12:19 4 years ago
    Probably, but I don't think any of us want to bother wasting time on that. There's anti-bot/anti-spam measures in place which stops most of the spam (I don't think you saw the forum before?), but I believe some of the spammers are human & not bots & there's not really much anyone can do about those until they actually post something & even then, like I said, I can just delete them in about 10 seconds along with any posts/threads they have created, so it's not really a big deal.

    There's only the odd spam message here every other day or so, compared to last year or whenever it was when we had to deal with mass spammers, so I'm not really all that fussed about it. If I see a spam message, I delete the user, & that's that.


    7285 Posts