#1, by bobby23Thursday, 18. July 2013, 00:17 12 years ago
I noticed that a few sounds (mostly the ones I edited) for some reason do not play in the Visionaire player editor (and of course neither in the game). I can select the file , but when I press Play next to it , it acts like there is nothing there.
I thought it was the way I was editing and saving the .mp3's but then I noticed that the files that it was refusing to play where Mostly the ones I edited , but not all of them.
Is there a standard that we must have for the .mp3's to be fully compatible with the editor?
I tried editing the Sample Rates 44khz to 48khz , the Bit Rates 96-128-160 kbps , and changing from Stereo to Mono and vice Versa and still nothing.