Skeletal animation in Visionaire

  • #1, by howlingwolf86Sunday, 24. September 2017, 17:58 8 years ago
    Hi Everybody, I'm noob with a couple of questions regarding the use of skeletal (rigged) animation in Visionaire Studio. I read that it's possible, but...

    1. How? I'm trying to test this with the demo animation of Spine but it doesn't seem to work. Did somebody get it done? How?
    2. Is it possible (and recommended) to make a 4 or 8 directional animation with this kind of software? Which skeletal animation software is the most suitable for this?
    3. Wich skeletal animation software is the most suitable to use with Visionaire Studio?

    Thanks in advance for your help and time!



    12 Posts

  • #2, by SimonSWednesday, 27. September 2017, 14:55 8 years ago
    You need to export the spine files to a json file. Then you can import them at the outfit settings. Currently there are 4 softwares that might be usable, only spine is usable for Visionaire thus far, but other importers will follow. So currently it would be spine. Other options that will come in the future: Creature, Spriter, Dragonbones.

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  • #3, by melvilWednesday, 27. September 2017, 16:42 8 years ago
    Waiting for the Dragonbones Import smile Thanks !!


    2 Posts

  • #4, by bananeisafreeWednesday, 27. September 2017, 16:49 8 years ago
     Other options that will come in the future: Creature, Spriter, Dragonbones.

    That is great news !

    Forum Fan

    120 Posts

  • #5, by howlingwolf86Wednesday, 27. September 2017, 20:18 8 years ago
    You need to export the spine files to a json file. Then you can import them at the outfit settings. Currently there are 4 softwares that might be usable, only spine is usable for Visionaire thus far, but other importers will follow. So currently it would be spine. Other options that will come in the future: Creature, Spriter, Dragonbones.
    Hi Simon, that is great news! But how do I import the json file? Do I load it as a 
    3D model file?


    12 Posts

  • #6, by esmeraldaMonday, 02. October 2017, 15:38 8 years ago
    Schau dir mal das alte Tutorial von Glenfx an, da wird vieles erklärt und ist auch noch in den neuen Versionen gültig.

    Ich würde es so lösen:
    Objekt 1 gibt es zwei mal, einmal nur als Grafik, und einmal als Obekt mit Grafik und Objektumrandung (das wird dann vom Mauszeiger als aktiv erkannt). Nennen wir es Obejekt 1a und 1b.
    Dann brauchst du Bedingungen oder Werte, um zu bestimmen, welches Objekt (1a oder 1b) angezeigt wird.
    Objekt 1a wird angezeigt, wenn die Bedingung "Objekt 2 angesehen" falsch ist, Objekt 1b (das aktive) wird angezeigt, wenn die gleiche Bedingung wahr ist.
    Bei der Aktion des Anschauens von Objekt 2 stellst du die Bedingung um.

    Bei Visionaire 5 kann man die Objekte auch an Werte koppeln, da könntest du statt Bedingungen auch Werte nehmen.

    Key Killer

    535 Posts

  • #7, by howlingwolf86Monday, 02. October 2017, 17:15 8 years ago
    Now I'm confused...


    12 Posts

  • #8, by esmeraldaMonday, 02. October 2017, 18:10 8 years ago
    Now I'm confused...
    just ignore the german part of the thread. It is not related to bone animation. Frank82 didn't know how to create a new topic and took over your thread to ask his question.

    Edit: and now he deleted his post and my posts look completely out of place... oh well..

    Key Killer

    535 Posts