#1, by steph-j-6128Friday, 03. May 2013, 17:59 12 years ago
I would like to create a system that show where the active objects are on a scene (like games as Secret Files).
A already have created a button on the interface that do the job when I right-click on it with the mouse.
The system is simple : I have initialized an condition with the value "False" then added some "objects" with an magnifying glass picture on some positions on the screen. These "objects" are visible only when the condition is "True".
Now, when I roght-click on the button, I do the fallowings actions :
- Change the condition to True
- Pause durring 2 seconds
- Change the position to false
It works perfectly but now I would like to do the same thing by pressing the space bar button of my keyboard instead of clicking with my mouse.
How could I do that ?
Thank you very much.