setWindowBrightness works on mac but not on Windows?

  • #1, by MortoAllegroFriday, 06. March 2015, 12:41 10 years ago
    Hi there!
    today i'm working with Windows Brightness, and i notice if i use this base code:
    setWindow Brightness(80) on lua script.

    if i startup the game on mac platform,windows brightness change as well, but instead if i work on Pc (the same Visionaire file) that same code doesn't affect my luminosity.

    i'll already give a quick test, not using lua Script but instead use the "visionaire Action". That Action,works fine, and change windows Brightness both,mac and pc.

    is only my problem?


    44 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeFriday, 06. March 2015, 13:04 10 years ago
    Yes it should work for both windows & mac.

    * hmm strange. It's sets it briefly for a second then reverts back to 100% brightness.

    You could use the shader instead? Include the shader toolkit & then use the shaderContrast &/or shaderLightness functions. The shader toolkit has to be included for them to work though.

    P.S: I've made a note of it on the dev tracker for the devs to look into.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by MortoAllegroFriday, 06. March 2015, 14:33 10 years ago
    wow! toolkit is sure a masterpiece!

    i have a question about?
    why when player change scene the filter vanish and then reload?


    44 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeFriday, 06. March 2015, 16:01 10 years ago
    hmm? not sure what you mean.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by MortoAllegroFriday, 06. March 2015, 16:25 10 years ago
    use shaderLightness.
    in game:
    press + (to change value and increase the brightness)
    than change the scene...(move your character away)
    the brightness effect that you have changed by pressing "+" appear to being disabled on scene fade out(seems the value goes back to normal state and than, fade out the current scene)
    in the new scene the value you have setup(by pressing +) is back to normal.

    seems to me something fade out scene related.


    44 Posts

  • #6, by MortoAllegroFriday, 06. March 2015, 16:29 10 years ago
    you can even use noise effect..

    a second before your character change scene (for the fadeout effect i'll suppose) the effect vanished


    44 Posts

  • #7, by afrlmeFriday, 06. March 2015, 16:55 10 years ago
    Ok I guess it gets disabled on scene fade. You could manually create a scene fade in/out action/script if you really wanted, wouldn't be all that hard. Then instead of actually fading to the new scene you would use the show immediate option, which should prevent it from adjusting the brightness value you have set.


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