setting time

  • #1, by blanoWednesday, 13. September 2017, 08:33 7 years ago
    i'm sorry if the question has been repeated but,

    how i do set timing for a cartain event trigger?
     is the "pause" action part or not?  i'm using VS 5 RC2

    thank you!


    68 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 13. September 2017, 14:05 7 years ago
    The pause action part pauses the current action list at the position you inserted it & then resumes with the rest of the action parts once the time you specified is up.

    display text "blah blah blah! <p1000ms>"
    pause for 2000ms -- pause > actions below will continue after 2000ms (2 seconds)
    play animation "protagonist_wink"
    some other actions

    There are a few other ways to pause the action part list too, as you can use wait until based action parts. Simon added a few new ones to the action part list for the most recent update.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by blanoWednesday, 13. September 2017, 17:21 7 years ago
    ok i searched for "timer" in this forum and i found a tutorial called "test shader" now it is a bit more clear. I have to create a timer value add or subtract  1 and pause then jump to action part1,

    thanks for help i'll focus more on the the tutorial bye!!


    68 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeWednesday, 13. September 2017, 18:22 7 years ago
    You mean a loop?

    Create called by other action block (anywhere in the editor that you can create actions). & inside of that add a pause action part, set it to 1000ms. Next add the set value action part, then add a jump to x action part (leave it as absolute & #1). Job done, you've created a looping action block that updates a value every 1000ms (1 seconds).

    Finally you will need to call that action block at beginning of each scene probably otherwise when you load a save file it won't automatically start it looping.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by blanoWednesday, 13. September 2017, 18:33 7 years ago
    Thank you i finally got what i needed, thank you for your tutorial too!


    68 Posts