setRotateAnimation does not work on Shadertoolkitv11

  • #1, by stothewSunday, 30. September 2018, 16:10 6 years ago
    Hi there!

    as some know there is a "setRotateAnimation" funktion based on the shadertoolkit. Unfortunately the changes in v 11 breaks it. Is anybody able to fix this?

    here is a pastebin with the "current one"


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  • #2, by afrlmeSunday, 30. September 2018, 16:31 6 years ago
    No idea about that, but you don't need to use the shader toolkit to rotate objects/animations - just use the to() tweening function instead - as long as the animation is linked to a scene object then it will rotate with the object.

    game.CurrentScene.SceneObjects["example"]:to(10000, {ObjectRotation = math.rad(360)})

    to(delay, {arguments}, easing, loop, play-forwards-then-backwards)


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  • #3, by stothewSunday, 30. September 2018, 17:15 6 years ago
    I know the name is quite confusing.. but the function is for a "wind animation" it distort the image based on some noise. I saw sebastian using it, too.. so may he is also interrested in updating it to work with v11 shaderkit.

    hope i´m allowed to post his vid:

    look at the plants on the left... this is the "setRotateAnimation" function wink

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  • #4, by SimonSSunday, 30. September 2018, 18:00 6 years ago
    I have already updated the rotate animation, redownload here:

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  • #5, by stothewSunday, 30. September 2018, 18:33 6 years ago
    works perfekt! Thank you so much!

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  • #6, by afrlmeSunday, 30. September 2018, 19:18 6 years ago
    Ah yeah, I forgot we had this function. Rotating grass & trees & so on. Sorry.


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