Set Command has stopped appearing in Action Script Window

  • #1, by mapleTuesday, 03. June 2014, 22:18 11 years ago
    Hi Guys

    Version 4 has suddenly got a strange bug where if you 'set command' in the action execution window, it sets the command, but does not show the script?

    Just a blank line.

    You can set cursor, just not the set command.



    3 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeTuesday, 03. June 2014, 23:04 11 years ago
    os version & vs build version please? oh & a screenshot or 2 would be much appreciated, ta!


    7286 Posts

  • #3, by mapleWednesday, 04. June 2014, 11:05 11 years ago
    Hi AFRLme

    Yeah - Sorry about that:

    Here -

    WIndows 7 Ultimate SP1 - on a bootcamped mac.

    Visionaire build is 1165 Version 4rc

    Attached is a screen grap of what the editor looks like. It's just blank - yet the line is there, just not visible.

    If you select the line, you get a blue text pointer.

    Thanks for the quick respone...


    3 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeWednesday, 04. June 2014, 13:17 11 years ago
    The information is for the VS devs, not me... wink

    Quick note: if you are using multiple command interface, then you should not have to set the cursor. Inside of each commands properties tab you can assign the default cursor for it.

    Set cursor action part should only really be used if you are using a single command interface (left click, right click) or if you need to set a different cursor other than the default cursor assigned to the command.


    7286 Posts

  • #5, by mapleWednesday, 04. June 2014, 14:00 11 years ago
    Thanks AFRLme

    I'm needing to fix a difrent cursor for different tasks, which are selected from a floating HUD.

    No worries though - I not very logical. Nevertheless, would be good to know why the 'set comand' action no longer shows up.

    Works all the same though.



    3 Posts