sell games

  • #1, by jetsetwillyWednesday, 07. May 2014, 11:50 11 years ago
    can we sell games with the version 4 single user? how? where?


    69 Posts

  • #2, by AlexWednesday, 07. May 2014, 12:08 11 years ago
    yes you can wink
    as long as you don't violate the license conditions for the Indie license:
    - only sell your games for desktop platforms (for mobile you need the mobile license)
    - if your game is crowdfunded the funding must be <= 10.000 Euro (otherwise upgrade to mobile/pro license)
    - Games may be distributed as a physical product only in few units. A professional retail distribution as a physical product is prohibited and requires a professional license.

    how/where? find a publisher, sell it on a shareware platform, try to get your game approved on steam or in an app store.

    Great Poster

    378 Posts

  • #3, by jetsetwillyWednesday, 07. May 2014, 13:16 11 years ago
    what does mean : crowdfunded and <= 10 000 euros?

    what is the step for suggest my game to app store or steam?


    69 Posts

  • #4, by HellVanSingWednesday, 07. May 2014, 14:53 11 years ago
    It does mean, if you gon with your idea to a crowdfunding site like kickstarter, you are limited for 10.000€ or less as your goal on this plattform.
    And how you get your games on steam is a question for steam, and the informations for steam greenlight are public. Five seconds google, get this:§ion=faq
    1. Regist on steam
    2. go to greenlight
    3. pay the 90€
    4. get your game in greenlight


    67 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeWednesday, 07. May 2014, 15:20 11 years ago
    by physical distribution in a few units... it means you can share the game on cd/dvd/usb stick etc to people or potential publishers or whatever. You need Professional license to actually sell your game as a physical product in retail stores.

    I thought I would mention this as the current "Games may be distributed as a physical product only in few units" bit is not very clear. I made the terms for the English licenses much easier to understand on the wiki.

    The mac app store for instance... you need to pay for dev cert which is about $90 per year or something & then you submit your game to them, which they then check over for however long it takes before deciding if they are willing to accept it or let you know of reasons why they wont accept it as is. here's the link to more information in regards to mac app store:

    here's the link for submitting your game to & more information:

    here's steam greenlight: (click on submit button at top - need an account)

    Some information here about getting your game on humble bundle store:


    7286 Posts

  • #6, by UraalWednesday, 07. May 2014, 20:41 11 years ago
    How about selling your game as a digital product only? What license I need for that?


    93 Posts

  • #7, by afrlmeWednesday, 07. May 2014, 21:31 11 years ago
    indie individual or multi-user to sell digitally for windows, mac & linux with option to distribute freeware ios & android games. Only for self funded or crowdfunded games. If you get money from a publisher then you need the professional license. If you get over €10,000 via crowdfunding then you need to purchase mobile license @ €490.


    7286 Posts

  • #8, by UraalWednesday, 07. May 2014, 22:58 11 years ago
    Cheers, glad to hear this. Never planned to go boxed/physical smile


    93 Posts