Searching for a male voice actors

  • #1, by Jack89Tuesday, 03. December 2013, 10:51 11 years ago
    Hey Guys,

    I'm a student from the Games Academy in Berlin. I'm looking for a voice actors for our running project. It's a mashup between a 2D-Point&Click and an 3D-Adventure.
    We are working with the Unreal Engine. We are 3 Game Artists ( 2 3D-Artist and 1 Concept-Artist), 1 Game Producer and 2 Game Designer.

    Some facts:
    - 3D-Puzzle-Adventure
    - Orbital-Camera-Interaction
    - mashup between a 2D-Point&Click and an 3D-Adventure
    - story is based and inspired by the book 20.000 leagues under the sea

    What is needed:
    - a male voice actor with deep voice (older man voice)
    - englisch language!
    - preferably with experience

    What you get:
    - listing in the credits
    - full project conecpt
    - all monologues and dialogues are already nearly finished
    - friendly team

    If your are interested dont hesitate to contact me.



    11 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeTuesday, 03. December 2013, 12:31 11 years ago
    One name: Logan Cunningham! He did the narration for the game called "Bastion" & he did an awesome job... He also did some voice work for the indie adventure game "Resonance" (I think it was called?) - I have no idea how much he charges though but he does the perfect old man/deep voice.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by Jack89Tuesday, 03. December 2013, 13:33 11 years ago
    thanks AFRLme,

    the problem is, we have no money.
    the project ends at the end of february. its like school project, but more professional.
    the voice actor will get credits and if our project is nominated by the games academy, it will be shown to a lot of famous companies. but for now, its a student project.


    11 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeTuesday, 03. December 2013, 13:47 11 years ago
    ah ok dokie wink

    well I'm not a voice actor & I'm afraid my recorded voice would probably put everyone to sleep anyway!

    I don't think anyone has joined the voice actor group on here yet but maybe someone on here knows of a few voice actors or so that might be willing to do it for free!? albeit almost everyone wants money these days, even for the small stuff. Good luck though! wink


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by Jack89Tuesday, 03. December 2013, 14:44 11 years ago
    i know. money is always a problem wink
    at least its a try.


    11 Posts

  • #6, by SharikuFriday, 06. December 2013, 16:53 11 years ago
    I have two friends looking to get into voice acting. One has a low voice and the other has a more mid-range voice but is very skilled so could probably do a good job. Do you have some dialog/a character sheet or something? I could pass it over to them and see if they're interested.


    5 Posts