Search bar: combine keywords?

  • #1, by Simon_ASASunday, 30. July 2017, 16:44 8 years ago
    Hi everyone,

    Is it possible to combine 2 keywords in the seach bar of the site? I've been trying this several time, it would be convenient.

    Example: if I want to search something about shaders, and about light, nothing is returned whatever I try with:
    light shader
    "light shader"
    light +shader

    (ps: I was trying to find out if there is a shader of light that can follow the current character, in order to create a kind of halo around him)

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    321 Posts

  • #2, by andiliddellTuesday, 15. August 2017, 18:19 8 years ago
    Hi everyone,

    Is it possible to combine 2 keywords in the seach bar of the site? I've been trying this several time, it would be convenient.

    Example: if I want to search something about shaders, and about light, nothing is returned whatever I try with:
    light shader
    "light shader"
    light +shader

    (ps: I was trying to find out if there is a shader of light that can follow the current character, in order to create a kind of halo around him)
    This is still a big bug with the forum, making it impossible to search for anything useful.

    You can currently only search for a single word on the EN version of the forum.

    Any help would be great, I've got lots of new questions and can't search for answers. smile


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