Seamless movies loop?

  • #2, by elecWednesday, 15. February 2017, 13:21 8 years ago
    Im not sure, but maybe you could upload a .gif as Backgroundimage?

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  • #3, by afrlmeWednesday, 15. February 2017, 13:38 8 years ago
    Im not sure, but maybe you could upload a .gif as Backgroundimage?
    I do not recommend using gif at all - also don't recommend using jpg either. Png &/or webp only.

    Supposedly in Visionaire Studio 5 we can now directly inject videos into scenes with Lua script. Simon hasn't provided an example of how to go about it yet though. The general idea without using videos though would have just been to create an animation in the same way you normally create animations for VS, which is frame by frame images.


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  • #4, by AkcayKaraazmakThursday, 16. February 2017, 08:08 8 years ago
    I'm also waiting that scene video object tutorial from Simon smile ..It will be a great feature, very dynamic backgrounds could be achieved with this.

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  • #5, by SimonSThursday, 16. February 2017, 12:47 8 years ago
    I will probably do that with the full version, because I made some changes to that, mostly for the performance. Also it requires a script to take care of most of the tasks.

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  • #6, by AkcayKaraazmakThursday, 16. February 2017, 13:52 8 years ago
    Please do it mate! It will be super!

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