Screenshot savedgame

  • #1, by andy-rinaldiSunday, 21. December 2014, 00:29 10 years ago
    I'm trying to create a screenshot for my saved games but it's not works.

    -- save to "screenshots" folder as "filename.png"

    Where is located the screenshots folder?
    If the folder is not exist?

    Could you please explain me about the screenshots?


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  • #2, by afrlmeSunday, 21. December 2014, 01:04 10 years ago
    You need to create a folder named "screenshots" in your games root directory. Also you need to attach an extension to the screenshot. .png or .jpg etc. I recommend .png.

    Also it won't create a screenshot in that way for your save game thumbnail. I think you have to use the clear method, but I'm not sure on the syntax for that. Thumbnails for save games are usually generated automatically. If you have included any of the shader stuff in your game & all you are generating is black thumbnails then it is a bug with screenshots in relation to the shader, which I believe Simon is looking into fixing.


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  • #3, by andy-rinaldiSunday, 21. December 2014, 22:08 10 years ago
    Hi Lee and thanks.
    I created my screenshots folder and now I can create the screenshots. ok.

    Also I need to the thumbnails for my saved games. You say that they are generated automatically, where?
    How can I use the thumbnails in my saved games?

    Many thanks.

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  • #4, by afrlmeSunday, 21. December 2014, 22:11 10 years ago
    If you are using the default save game system then the thumbnails should be displayed in the slots you created automatically. The thumbnails for save games are stored in the save files I think (not 100% sure on this).


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  • #5, by andy-rinaldiSunday, 21. December 2014, 22:29 10 years ago
    I use the autosave features, it's the same?
    How can I show the thumbnails in the saved games screen?
    Can I resize a image with lua? How?


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  • #6, by afrlmeSunday, 21. December 2014, 22:36 10 years ago
    No, the autosave is essentially a quicksave system. There's no thumbnails with that. You could however generate a thumbnail with a specific name & then use lua to set the path of a menu/scene objects image to that image file I think. You can adjust scale since 4.0.1 I think using the new scale data structure table but it will only let you adjust the entire image by a percentage rather than letting you specify absolute width/height.

    What I am saying is completely theoretical. I'm not sure if any of it will actually work as I've not attempted/tested it before.

    Why have you not used the actual save game system?


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  • #7, by andy-rinaldiSunday, 21. December 2014, 22:58 10 years ago
    I passed to autosave system because the savegame was not working well, when I loaded a save game, it loaded other save game of a different slot... I will try to use again the save game system. In this case, how can I show the thumbnails? When I used the save game system, I have never seen the thumbnails...

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  • #8, by afrlmeSunday, 21. December 2014, 23:29 10 years ago
    The default save system requires you to draw the save slot polygons which will contain the thumbnails that should be automatically generated when you click on a save slot & then use the save game action part. I admit that the default save system leaves little to be desired as it's a bit outdated.


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  • #9, by andy-rinaldiMonday, 22. December 2014, 18:21 10 years ago
    I drawn the save slot polygons but the thumbnails are not displayed. (see images)

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  • #10, by afrlmeMonday, 22. December 2014, 22:42 10 years ago
    hmm you haven't by any chance added any images/objects to the part where the save game thumbnails are to be displayed no? There's no object center/z-index for menu scenes, so if you add an image to where the save slots will be then the image will be placed above the save slots. You can however use this to add fancy borders/highlight graphics above the save slots. You need to make sure all graphics that you want behind the save slot are added to the background or hidden with a condition on save game in that slot.


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  • #11, by andy-rinaldiMonday, 22. December 2014, 23:48 10 years ago
    ok Lee, I have a object as background instead of a background image. If I remove this object, The thumbnails are displayed.
    I'll try to use the save game system even if I think works better the autosave.

    Many thanks.

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