#1, by lefooshFriday, 07. June 2013, 15:49 12 years ago
Hi All, I'm sorry if this isnt the place to add these comments but I am starting out on what I plan to be a commercial game and was wondering what resolution to work with? My Cintiq (an old one) doesn't do the 1920 x 1200 so when i save and run a lot of my game is off the screen.
When I export its all on screen as the screen resizes as needs be. Are you all working in full res or something less or is there a way to make it resize smaller?
#4, by afrlmeFriday, 07. June 2013, 17:04 12 years ago
1920x1080 is the default hd resolution which I'm using myself for the game I'm working on but the laptop I'm currently using has a max resolution of 1280x800 but the engine scales the game down to my laptops resolution automatically. I have fullscreen mode on & widescreen support enabled inside of the editors options found via "extras > options > player"
also whenever you compile (build) & export your game as an playable .exe, it usually builds a default config.ini file... inside of that if you set Resolution = auto then it will automatically scale the game to the users default resolution.
@ littleleds: for people who make low resolution games: there are various options for improving the image quality on the main game options tab - but they can only do so much.
#8, by mariodonickWednesday, 06. November 2013, 14:00 12 years ago
I want to add a question to this thread:
If I developed a game in 1920x1080 resolution, and somebody wants to use it on 1024x768 screen: Will Visionaire automatically scale down the widescreen graphics with correctly preserving the aspect ratio?
Or will it distort the widescreen image to fit on the 4:3 screen?