Schlüssel öffnet Tür nicht -- Bitte helft mir!

  • #1, by 4ceaimzSunday, 05. January 2014, 18:08 12 years ago
    Hallo alle zusammen,

    ich habe erst kürzlich angefangen mein eigenes Spiel zu erstellen, daher orientiere ich mich bei den meisten Dingen sehr am Tutorial von dieser Seite. Allerdings habe ich bei einer eher banalen Sache ein Problem und ich weiß einfach nicht wie ich es lösen soll. Ich wollte, wie im Tutorial, eine Tür mir einem Schlüssel öffnen. Den Schlüssel erhält mein Char nach einer Cutscene. Er soll dann eine verschlossene Tür mit dem Schlüssel öffnen, um in den nächsten Raum zu gelangen.
    Ich habe wirklich tausend Mal nachgeschaut, ob meine Einstellungen zu den Kulissenobjekten mit denen vom Tutorial übereinstimmen - und das tun sie - trotzdem will es einfach nicht funktionieren. Was habe ich übersehen?! Ich wäre euch echt dankbar, wenn ihr mir weiterhelfen könntet!!

    Liebe Grüße


    2 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSunday, 05. January 2014, 18:42 12 years ago
    Some of the methods used in Glenfx's tutorial are slightly out of date.

    The easiest method for achieving what you are wanting to do is through the use of conditions & values.

    Say you want to show a closed door image & an open door image... what you need to do is create 2 scene objects, one that contains the open door image & the other that contains the closed door image. Now you need to create a condition & name it something like "kitchen_door_open?" (as an example) & add link the condition to both of the objects you have just created & tick the "negate" box on one of them. Ticking the negate box means that the object will only be visible/active if the linked condition is false. Now you can switch between the door being open/closed by just changing the condition between true & false.

    As for the action itself... this depends on whether or not you are using dropped items or not. If you are using dropped items then you need to add the action to the closed door object "if item "item name" is dropped" which you can then assign some actions to this such as the change condition action part.

    You can do a lot of different things with conditions, values & if queries... you could for example have it so you only require the player to unlock the door once & then they can simply open/close it via a command or by left clicking on it etc & so on.

    hmm actually I think I have a little demo floating around on my hard drive somewhere which shows how to open/close a door with a key & conditions - I think. Will check & upload to my dropbox if I can find it & post the link on this thread.


    7286 Posts

  • #3, by afrlmeSunday, 05. January 2014, 19:01 12 years ago
    Ok so it doesn't feature using a key or dropping/using items on an object but it does give you an introduction into how to use conditions/values to open/close a door or into how to create yes/no selection prompts.

    Either way I think you should probably find it useful to some degree.


    7286 Posts

  • #4, by 4ceaimzSunday, 05. January 2014, 19:38 12 years ago
    Okay, I solved my problem now. Thanks a lot!!

    However, I still need to learn a lot, I guess. I don't really know what I can do with values, for example. I wasn't able to find any real explanation for that. Still, your Demogame is very useful.

    Thanks again for your great support! smile


    2 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeSunday, 05. January 2014, 20:11 12 years ago
    We are currently writing up a new manual to go with the upcoming version of Visionaire Studio. It's still far from complete but there is some useful data & information already added to it. Myself & the others are adding pages when we can. (this is a guide to conditions & values)

    Values are similar to conditions but they are a lot more flexible because you can assign any number value to them so in theory you can create an endless amount of query possibilities from one single value rather than using loads of conditions.


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