you create an interface to use as your control interface & then you create a button for each command you want/need to create & assign them as command button in the
button properties tab.
Inside of the
command properties tab...
- you can assign the name of the command in various languages; if required
- define which cursor will be shown when the command is active
- determine if command can be used for dragging items
- define what the command can be used on; objects, characters, both, self etc...
- define the command type.
- if command type = combined command, or give command then you can define the conjunction word which would be something along the lines of "on" or "to" or "with"
Next you need to add the active & inactive images. These will be used to define if the command/button is active; you can also set the button to inactive/active via action parts.
Actually I think if you take a look in the shop that you will find a maniac mansion madness game for download I think which comes with the .ved & resource files (if I remember correctly) - it should have a retro text interface like the one in zak 2 above which you could study & see how they made it. have not yet added a tutorial for the retro text/button interface to the engine wiki, otherwise I would have shared the link. So far I've only added the modern single click (broken sword based control interface) & the cycle command interface (sam & max) - here's the link to the article about control interface types anyway: