Scene - Camera starting point

  • #1, by duartegarinFriday, 26. July 2013, 11:38 12 years ago

    I want my see to start at the far right of my background image.

    And then, after some text, scroll to the characters of the far left.

    1) I have not managed to find how you can do an action of "wait x seconds".
    2) I do not know how to set a starting point for the camera. It seems to always align itself with the active character.
    3) Also can i have text displayed without it being from any character? (Ex: "In some distant galaxy..")

    Thanks in advance,



    21 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeFriday, 26. July 2013, 12:21 12 years ago
    yes, yes & yes...

    1 & 3 are both found under miscellaneous action part section:
    pause & display text (display text under misc is narration text & can be manually position wherever you like)

    2. scene > center scene on character permanently (tick "clear centering") stops scene being focused on the character - make sure you uncheck it later on after you are done. then you can use scroll scene to position or object action part or possibly Lua if you are feeling a little more adventurous.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by duartegarinWednesday, 31. July 2013, 14:37 12 years ago
    Hello AFRL-me,

    Thanks very much for your help.

    I managed to "unlock" camera from char using your instructions but I am still unable to "start" scene in a different place than the characters.

    If I start with scroll to position it will do exactly that..scroll..And I wanted to start the scene in a specific place.

    Can I acomplish this in the editor?

    Kind regards,



    21 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeWednesday, 31. July 2013, 15:22 12 years ago
    yes you can use a single line of Lua to set the current position:

    execute a script >
    game:setValue(VGameScrollPosition, {x=300, y=100})

    replace 300 & 100 with the co-ordinates that you want the scene position (camera) to be positioned on, co-ordinate is top left corner & not center.

    GameScrollPosition / t_point /Upper left corner of current scroll position (on current scene)


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by duartegarinMonday, 05. August 2013, 06:54 12 years ago

    It works! It does a scroll on y and then on x, is it possible to scroll directly to position (in this case diagonally)?

    Thanks in advance for the great support, I must say I am REALLY impressed.




    21 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeMonday, 05. August 2013, 12:37 12 years ago
    the line of Lua I gave you should force camera to the co-ordinates you entered immediately?

    scroll diagonally? do you mean with an editor action part or using Lua?


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by duartegarinSaturday, 10. August 2013, 14:45 12 years ago
    I was meaning when I use the action scroll to position (or to object).

    It doesn't scroll directly to the point, it goes down (y) and then scrolls on X.

    I suppose the best way to approach this would be using LUA?


    21 Posts