Savegame slots not highlighting

  • #1, by VlkWednesday, 14. January 2015, 16:46 10 years ago

    I am new to Visionaire studio and I've been following up Glen's tutorials. Everything worked for me very well, until I came across creating save game menu. It is working, games are saving and loading, but for some reason, highlight image is not showing. I am suspecting that there is something in tutorial that was not shown? Or have I any settings set wrong? I checked up the tutorial again and I've been following really everything, nothing is different in my settings. Can anyone please help me how can I show slot highlight when left clicked and then hide it when other slot is being clicked on?
    Thank you very much in advance for any answer and have a great day!



    4 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 14. January 2015, 17:11 10 years ago
    The tutorials by Glenfx are somewhat antiquated. I can't say for sure if they are still valid for Visionaire Studio 4.x as they were written for the earlier versions of 3.x.

    In regards to the save game system: The highlighting of slots has nothing to do with the save game system at all. If you want to highlight a slot then you need to create an object & define its interaction area (blue square icon) then you would inside of this object, create 2 actions: on mouse enter & on mouse leave then inside of these you would add the actions needed to display or hide the highlight image.

    Please note: objects have no say in the amount of slots available or the order of the slots, because the save slots are infinite & can be cycled.

    Here is a menu template I made for 3.7.1. It's a bit out of date, but it should give you an idea of how to piece together your own menu.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by VlkWednesday, 14. January 2015, 17:55 10 years ago
    Hi! Thank you very much for quick reply!

    I actually downloaded your template before I posted this and tried to look at it - but couldn't really find the solution, although I can see that you have there what I need. Since I haven't followed you how you did what, I am all lost :-(

    What I did is I created objects inside my savegame menu, I named them Position_on_1,2,3 etc. as in Glen's tutorial. I loaded image of the highlight frame to them and defined the interaction area. Then I created the Position_1,2,3 objects (also created interaction areas for them, inside the areas of Position_on_1 etc. objects) and gave them condition Position_1_active? and set it for each to false. In actions of Position_1,2,3 ect, I set this:
    .-POSITION_1 will have every CHANGE CONDITION POSITION_(2,3,4,5,6)_ACTIVE? to FALSE except the CHANGE CONDITION POSITION_1_ACTIVE which will be TRUE.

    Then, in Position_on_1,2,3 etc., I linked condition "Position_1,2,3 etc_active?

    In other words, everything which is mentioned in the tutorial. The result was that nothing showed up. I've played with settings a little bit and I've been able to set 0 visibility for the frames at the begining of the scene and to show them when I clicked them, but I could not find how to unhighlight the previous slot if you clicked on a new one. I just click and click until all of them are highlighted and then I have to leave the scene to reset it.

    What do you think please? Could you please give me a hint on how to make the old highlights disappear when I click on a new slot?


    4 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeWednesday, 14. January 2015, 19:05 10 years ago
    You need to use additional if queries.

    My suggestion would be to create a called by other action & rename it to something like reset_save_conditions. Inside of this we add a set condition action part for each of the conditions associated with the save slots & we set each one to false.

    Now when you click on a save slot what you should do is first call the action we have just created & then set the condition for that slot to true. What that will do is reset all conditions to false & then instantly set the slot condition to true. It's a quick & dirty method but it works.

    I tend to use Lua script these days for most things though, but what I just said above is a nice simple action part only alternative. smile

    P.S: that menu template was mostly for advanced users. It featured a lot of bug prevention measures in regards to making sure all buttons & options were only active when they were supposed to be.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by VlkWednesday, 14. January 2015, 21:37 10 years ago
    Ok, I tried my best again and it does not work. I am not sure, if I followed up your instructions correctly (I am sorry, I am really really quite new to this (I am a graphic designer), but all my settings now seems so logical to me, I don't know why it doesn't work.
    I have now just the highlight objects (not two like in Glen tutorial). Image is loaded and visibility is set to 0% when the scene begins.
    Inside every object (I will describe Position_on_1 object for example), I have following actions:

    reset_save_conditions (more on attached screen)

    Left click - inside this:

    Change condition 'Postion_1_active?' to true

    Every object is linked with it's own condition (Position_on_1 with Position_1_active? etc)

    Of course as someone who just started, I can't see where the problem is - also because I really tried so many things (changing true false and so on). :-( I guess it is something really simple and I just can't see it or understand it.


    4 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeWednesday, 14. January 2015, 22:01 10 years ago
    You don't need conditions when you are using the opacity method. smile

    Seems like a lot of people that decide to use Visionaire Studio are mostly graphic orientated without any prior knowledge of programming. Although VS is aimed at artists, I do believe that it requires a basic semblance of basic programmers knowledge, such as, an understanding of: if then else logic...

    Would you be willing to zip/rar up your .ved & resource & message them to me via sendspace/dropbox or something? I'm not in the mood to create an example from scratch, but I can quickly edit your .ved file so you can see.

    Quick note: whenever you create an if query, there needs to an end if action part to close the if query at the end of it.


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by VlkWednesday, 14. January 2015, 22:43 10 years ago
    Thank you very much for trying to help me, I really appreciate it!
    I am sending you zip with ved file and few resources to cover up the Save menu scene through Dropbox (sending link via PM)

    Yes, I've seen Visionaire as a gateway to finally fulfilling my dream of creating my own game. I always had tons of ideas and always got stopped by programming part, which ways way too hard for me and there was nobody at hand I could work with on it. Visionaire studio seems like something I will be able to learn and handle and I am willing to do everything to learn it. :-) I've got a firm grip of my dream now and I am not going to let it go. :-)) Although I am a designer, I have a basic knowledge of css, html, action script and so on.. I hope this will go nicely into my head.

    Thank you for enlightenment in matter of if query, I didn't strike to me as obvious that it needs ending command, silly me :-)


    4 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeWednesday, 14. January 2015, 22:53 10 years ago
    If you have a basic understanding of html, css etc then you're already a step above people who have no coding knowledge at all.

    Just think of if queries as an html tag, for each tag created, you need to close it off - where you close it off, is the more complicated part because it tends on how complicated your queries get, because it's possible to create additional queries inside of a query!

    You could always request someone to help with programming side of game development, or look for people to form a team with to deal with things you aren't savvy with. Finding dedicated people & keeping them motivated is hard though; especially if you don't have money as a motivational incentive.


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