#6, by SDMonoThursday, 15. May 2014, 17:22 11 years ago
the config.ini:
FILE = gos.vis
# FULLSCREEN = {yes|no}
# yes - starts the game in fullscreen
# no - starts the game in a window
# RESOLUTION = {Auto|Desktop|Game}
# Auto - wide-screen support is activated if a wide-screen display is detected
# Desktop - current desktop resolution is used when game is started in full screen mode
# Game - game is initialized with the resolution specified in the game
# INTRO = {yes|no}
# yes - Show the intro movie on start-up
# no - Don't show the intro movie
# LANGUAGE = {German|English|...}
# LOGLEVEL = {Info|Warning|Error}
LOGLEVEL = error
I guess you want the specs of the computer where it doesn't work. Its a Dell XPS Notebook, i7, windows 7, 8 gb ram. video card... Nvidia GeForce GT 540M.
Oh and I tried setting the resolution to desktop... nothing changes. It still gets pushed down and cut.