Registration Bug?

  • #1, by rosina-m-Friday, 03. November 2017, 13:40 7 years ago
    Ich habe eine Weile mit dem Editor gearbeitet und immer wieder Builds zum Testen angelegt, plötzlich behauptet Visionaire dass meine Version nicht aktiviert wäre. Der Eintrag zur Registration unter Extras ist nicht vorhanden, wohl weil die Software ja schon  von mir registriert worden ist. (Mein System Windows 10 Pro 64Bit, Visionaire hat natürlich Adminrechte.)
    Langer Text, kurzer Sinn, hat jemand ähnlich Probleme? Liegt es am automatischen Update?


    7 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeFriday, 03. November 2017, 14:02 7 years ago
    It's possible. Just download from here & install it again. Should solve the issue.


    7283 Posts

  • #3, by rosina-m-Saturday, 04. November 2017, 13:12 7 years ago
    i downloaded Visionaire Editor 5 RC2 from the Licence Page but it still doesnt work. 


    7 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeSaturday, 04. November 2017, 13:29 7 years ago
    Ok, can you check the viseditor.ini file for me please? The simplest way to locate it is to hover over one of the play game icons on the main header toolbar, then select the option that contains messages.log. When it opens up that folder you want to go back so that you are in the Local folder & once there locate the Visionaire Editor folder. Open up the viseditor.ini file...

    Somewhere inside of that you should find 2 lines similar to this...
    UserNameVis4=Your Name

    If you can't find it then try adding those lines but with the same name & serial key you used to download from VS. There should be no - separators in the serial key for the ini file though.


    7283 Posts

  • #5, by rosina-m-Saturday, 04. November 2017, 14:16 7 years ago
    thank you. but it still doesn't work for me, after a complete restart visionaire reorganized the two lines in the ini.


    7 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeSaturday, 04. November 2017, 14:52 7 years ago
    Sorry to hear that.

    The order doesn't matter so much. I believe the editor on launch just iterates through the config.ini to see if the lines exist.

    You could try deleting the config.ini file, uninstalling Visionaire & reinstalling it fresh so that it generates a new config.ini. Be warned though that you will have to adjust the editor settings again in the options menu to the way you had it before.


    7283 Posts

  • #7, by rosina-m-Saturday, 04. November 2017, 15:07 7 years ago
    thank you, i deleted the whole folder at local/appdata and installed visionaire new, the register option at extras is now alive. smile 


    7 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeSaturday, 04. November 2017, 17:21 7 years ago
    Nice, glad to hear you managed to sort it out. smile


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