#2, by saintandsimonThursday, 05. June 2014, 13:48 11 years ago
Hm, maybe by cloning your character and flipping the image. Then set the second character behind a mirror (hiding it with a layer of a wall or something) and let the mirror be a window. Just an idea though, don't know if it's gonna work.
#4, by afrlmeThursday, 05. June 2014, 15:02 11 years ago
Well that would also be possible. You would have to get the destination of the playable character & then calculate the offset of where the mirrored character needs to move to - for the movement side.
Mirroring the animations would be easy enough. You would just trigger both the player animation & the mirrored characters animations at the same time. - only have it trigger the mirrored character animations if the playable character is inside of a specified action area in the way system.
All in all, this is no simple thing, you are wanting to achieve here.