Random character text if drag and drop did not work ? (answer : use comment sets)

  • #1, by nelsoncWednesday, 25. February 2015, 04:24 10 years ago
    Is it possible to display a random text on current character if drag and drop fails ?


    43 Posts

  • #2, by SimonSWednesday, 25. February 2015, 15:24 10 years ago
    Look into comment sets. They allow you to set some random texts.

    Thread Captain

    1582 Posts

  • #3, by nelsoncThursday, 26. February 2015, 03:03 10 years ago
    Thank you !!

    Copied from a post of AFRLme :

    Comment sets are random comments the character might say when you try to interact with a scene object or combine 2 objects together, if the action does not exist for the scene object or items. These are for global use, so not all comments/sets will be valid in all situations.

    You can create multiple sets, so... you could on mouse over a scene object set a specific comment set to be used for that instance or alternatively if you want to create custom comments for each specific object then create the actions inside of the object & add a display text or narration text action part with custom text.


    43 Posts

  • #4, by nelsoncThursday, 26. February 2015, 03:44 10 years ago
    Works like a charm.


    43 Posts

  • #5, by unrealFriday, 27. February 2015, 17:21 10 years ago
    Sorry, I don't find any clear explanation for the 'Comment Set' in the Wiki, could someone explain me (us) how to use it, please ? razz


    66 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeFriday, 27. February 2015, 22:29 10 years ago
    There's nothing really to them.

    Create each comment set with specific text types in mind. You can assign comments to be triggered by any or specific commands / items etc.

    You can create multiple comment sets & swap them as needed.

    Comment sets are essentially a generic thing the current character might say if you try to do something on something that doesn't contain the specific action or dropped item inside of its action list.

    If you want to add less generic action texts for any reason then you will manually have to add that command or item to the objects action list & include a display text containing whatever it is that you are wanting it to say.


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by unrealSaturday, 28. February 2015, 13:18 10 years ago
    Thanks Lee, I just did it. I needed to set a 'comment set' for the scene :

    at the beginning of scene
    change comment set of 'character' to 'comment set'

    Was easy, just needed to know it.

    P.S. : For those who are searching for the 'comment sets' interface, it's in the Character's tabs.


    66 Posts

  • #8, by nelsoncSaturday, 28. February 2015, 16:41 10 years ago
    Seeing this conversation, I just edited the post title for search engines.


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