Thanks a lot for the help, but not working =(
i changed to this:
local int = Interfaces["InventoryOn"] -- InventoryOn its the name of my interface
local df = -183 -- its the same position on the interface absolute position
local duration = 500 -- increased the time a little
if int.y == -183 then -- The inicial position right?
int:to(duration, { int.Offset = {x = int.x, y = df} }, easeQuintIn)
elseif int.y == df then -- slide out
int:to(duration, { int.Offset = {x = int.x, y = 300} }, easeBounceOut)
-- y=300 i suppose is where the interface needs to end right?
Also placed the script on a wheel mouse action executing the script, but its not working, and it is acivated in the char interfaces.