#1, by LebosteinMonday, 23. March 2015, 08:25 10 years ago
It seems an action, that is called from an other action runs parallel with that action, see (a) in my sketch. Is it possible to call an action like an inlude or a subroutine? In other words: it is possible to pause the main action until the called action is running, see (b) in my sketch? (more other words: the main action should behave as I would copy the action parts from the called action to the main action at the place of the call)
I have many action sequences that I need several times in my game. So I would outsource them as single action sequences to call them if I need them. The problem is, if I call such action sequences, the main action (that makes the call) continues immediately.
I have looked for a "Wait until action is finished" or something, but I found no solution for this problem.