Problems in OSX with missing frameworks and HiDPI/Retina displays

  • #1, by OlliebrownMonday, 06. October 2014, 18:56 11 years ago
    I've been playing with the Paradigm game demo for Mac (!demo/c1lqf) and I've run into a few issues with the Visionaire Player. I thought it might be best to communicate those issues back to here instead of to Jacob who is simply using Visionaire Studio.

    First, the final redistributable has a dependency on a framework that is not included in the app bundle:
    All of the ffmpeg libraries included with the player seem to depend on this and it is not a standard system library (as far as I'm aware). I was able to fix this by installing the 0.89 version of Jack but I imagine the better solution would be to either eliminate this dependency (if possible) or package it with the app bundle. Something similar to this is mentioned elsewhere in the forums regarding mac 10.9 (though not for this particular framework).

    Second, when running on a retina (aka HiDPI) display mac the player does not scale properly and the mouse behaves strangely. I observed the following:
    - The image only occupies the bottom left quarter of the screen (a classic HiDPI symptom)
    - The mouse cursor behaves strangely and does not move properly to all areas of the screen (making some critical UI elements unreachable)

    I'm using a current generation MacBook Pro which does have a retina display. I was able to work around all these problems by simply connecting an external display with a mouse and keyboard and then closing my MacBook so that it ran only on the external display. All these problems went away on the external display.

    Just some feedback. If you would like more info about my system or need any logs/other diagnostic information let me know!

    Seth B (aka Olliebrown)


    4 Posts

  • #2, by BigStansTuesday, 07. October 2014, 00:19 11 years ago
    Thanks for report. Think i got it, but i can't test with retina resolutions.

    Great Poster

    361 Posts

  • #3, by OlliebrownTuesday, 07. October 2014, 18:22 11 years ago
    If I can help with testing at all just let me know. Thanks!


    4 Posts

  • #4, by BigStansTuesday, 07. October 2014, 20:09 11 years ago
    You're welcome.
    I PM you 2 links smile Please let me know if Retina works correctly smile

    - David

    Great Poster

    361 Posts

  • #5, by ezeglinTuesday, 09. December 2014, 23:34 10 years ago
    Same problem here with Retina display.
    Problems with mouse and scale!


    1 Posts

  • #6, by OlliebrownTuesday, 09. December 2014, 23:38 10 years ago
    BigStans did send me some builds to test and it looks like they have figured out how to fix it but I imagine those fixes are still in the development pipe. Maybe they can chime in as to what the roadmap is for pushing those out.

    Seth B.


    4 Posts

  • #7, by BigStansMonday, 15. December 2014, 20:07 10 years ago
    We're currently fighting with iOS 8 and codesgn v2, because apple has new guidelines with Yosemite and iOS 8.

    Retina was fixed already.

    Great Poster

    361 Posts

  • #8, by RRorgWednesday, 04. March 2015, 17:42 10 years ago
    Hey BigStans,
    just yesterday I downloaded Visionaire Studio 4.1 on my Mac and I still have the Retina problem - the game is rendered at 1/4 of the window and does not scale.
    I'm completely new to your engine, is the Mac version even considered stable? I could use the Windows version in a VM instead, if that's preferrable.


    2 Posts

  • #9, by afrlmeWednesday, 04. March 2015, 18:00 10 years ago
    The retina issue & various other osx issues have been fixed for the upcoming release.

    The osx editor works but it's pretty raw in a way still. The windows version is a lot more stable in comparison, but I guess it's up to you whether you decide to stick with the osx version or use the windows editor in a VM.


    7285 Posts

  • #10, by BigStansThursday, 05. March 2015, 13:59 10 years ago
    It's fixed, in the next version smile

    Great Poster

    361 Posts

  • #11, by RRorgThursday, 05. March 2015, 14:07 10 years ago
    Then I'll go fiddle around in a VM for now, can't wait for the update :3


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