Problem with Q & A Dialogs -Text Placing - SOLVED

  • #1, by ozzie-daveSaturday, 30. December 2017, 23:13 7 years ago
    After setting up the Q & A Dialogs, according to some demo games, the questions from the Player appear over the Player ok. 
    Unfortunately the NPC text Answer appears at the far left of the screen and not over the NPC which is on the far right of the screen. 
    There does not appear to be any way to set the NPC text to a set position.
    Any help would be appreciated.


    22 Posts

  • #2, by sebastianSunday, 31. December 2017, 00:41 7 years ago
    If there is no place for the text to be displayed above a character, it gets repositioned to the sides. If you have a lot of transparent space above the head in your character graphic, this still counts as "character" for the engine. Also makensure the font for the NPC is setup correctly. 

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    2346 Posts

  • #3, by ozzie-daveTuesday, 16. January 2018, 06:59 7 years ago
    After the Info, I realised that the Transparent Layer around my NPC was huge. I then Cropped the transparent layer around the NPC and fixed the text alignment problem.


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