Problem with Build Game - No scrolling on screens

  • #1, by tesildeen-Sunday, 05. January 2020, 23:18 5 years ago
    Hey Guys,

    I got a problem with my project.
    When I build a game for windows with engaged option "change resolution" (from 1920x1080 to 1280x720), the screens don´t scroll sideways.  There is no error message while compiling or something.
    Without the resolution change everything works perfectly fine.
    Has somebody any idea, what is going wrong there and how I can make it work?




    31 Posts

  • #2, by NigecMonday, 06. January 2020, 15:58 5 years ago
    Don't change the resolution from the build options dialog, its buggy as hell

    Key Killer

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  • #3, by tesildeen-Monday, 06. January 2020, 17:26 5 years ago
    Thanks for the hint.
    That might be a stupid question, but how do I change the resolution otherwise? Sure, there's an option on the game settings screen. But if I change it there, I also have to resize all the assets.
    There has to be a more elegant solution that I don't know of.


    31 Posts

  • #4, by SimonSTuesday, 07. January 2020, 11:19 5 years ago
    You probably only want scaling of the engine internally, if you set resolution to desktop in the config.ini it should enough.

    Thread Captain

    1593 Posts

  • #5, by tesildeen-Tuesday, 07. January 2020, 14:09 5 years ago
    In this case, only the resolution would be changed in the editor, right? That would not help. I will try to explain my problem. I have created a project with the resolution 1920x1080px, so far so good. After testing the game, I realized how resource intensive a 2D point and click adventure can be in this resolution. I'm honest, I didn't expect that. So I tried to decrease the resolution with the "Change resolution" option, got the scrolling problem mentioned above and now I'm here.

    To make it short. I would like to change the resolution so that the game can also run on weaker computers


    31 Posts

  • #6, by SimonSTuesday, 07. January 2020, 14:23 5 years ago
    Is it too big or what is the problem ? Did you use 60fps for animations ? Have you tried webp export as an alternative ? Decreasing the resolution doesn't really bring speed to old machines...

    Thread Captain

    1593 Posts

  • #7, by tesildeen-Tuesday, 07. January 2020, 14:38 5 years ago
    Yes, the size of the file is also a problem. It is already 6GB.
    I assumed that a lower resolution would make the whole thing less ressource intensive.
    I hadn't tried the WebP option yet.
    I will do that tonight and then report whether it has improved.


    31 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeTuesday, 07. January 2020, 16:14 5 years ago
    Optimization is done by managing the amount of frames your animations contain  - no duplicate frames & by using the least amount of frames as possible. It's all about finding the right balance between the amount of frames & the delay/pause value between each frame. Remember it's 2D, not 3D, & it's not an animated cartoon/movie, so it doesn't need to look ultra smooth.

    Other optimization is done by cropping as much canvas space as possible from the animations/images. Large canvas = larger file sizes.

    Also, your characters should be approx 50% (give or take) height-wise of your default game resolution when they are scaled up to 100%. Creating characters that are the same height or more than the default game resolution you specified will be massive when it comes to file size.

    Last but not least. Webp really makes a massive difference. Webp (lossless) will be up to 1/3 smaller in file size than png, & webp (lossy 100%) will be up to 1/2 smaller in file size than png. Smaller file sizes = less hdd space required & faster loading times.

    In regards to the webp export option in the build section of the editor, I have no idea if it's any good. I personally convert from png to webp & import the webp files while I work on a project. I use a free batch image converter called XnConvert - you can find out more about it here.


    7285 Posts

  • #9, by tesildeen-Tuesday, 07. January 2020, 18:09 5 years ago
    I tried converting to WEBP. At least that solves the file size problem. SIze is down from 6GB to 700MB.
    I also think I could overdid the animations. Some scenes have several background animations with several hundred frames. If there is a problem, I will delete or summarize something.


    31 Posts

  • #10, by afrlmeWednesday, 08. January 2020, 00:19 5 years ago
    I also think I could overdid the animations. Some scenes have several background animations with several hundred frames. If there is a problem, I will delete or summarize something.

    COMPROMISE. grin


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