I read and followed the guide but arrived at point 7 I do not understand anything more, is not absolutely clear, there is a video guide or at least someone can explain well step by step how to do?
ogg and opus recommended, videos are working now.
(DONE jarsigner found do I have to copy it and paste it into the main directory of visionaire?)
(DONE zipalign found do I have to copy it and paste it into the main directory of visionaire?)
Download the Visionaire Player for Android
Download the Signing Keystore
Copy the file visionaire.apk and visionaire.apk.keystore to the platform directory in your
(DONE copied both into the VS root folder)
Visionaire Studio installation
(DONE I do not understand what it is used for and where should the files be placed once extracted? in doubt I put everything in the root folder of visionaire)
Export your game for Android, you need to select jarsigner and zip align
(at this point I do not understand how to do it)