Preventing the action if steam not found

  • #1, by MateuszFriday, 22. November 2019, 04:10 5 years ago
    I need to prevent users from executing certain action in case game was launched from disk rather than from under the steam launcher. I was thinking about creating a value (lets say named "steam_found") and setting it to either 0 (when client is not launched) or 1 (when it's launched). The problem is that currently the only "0" in the equation are my programming skills. Can someone plese tell me how to modify the Steam script in a way that instead of "print" it will set the forementioned value?
    if getProperty("steam_initialized") then 
    print("Steam has been found!")
    print("No Steam anywhere to be seen")


    59 Posts

  • #2, by sebastianFriday, 22. November 2019, 07:54 5 years ago
    Values["my_steam_value_name"].Int = 1


    Thread Captain

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  • #3, by MateuszFriday, 22. November 2019, 08:40 5 years ago
    Thank you!!! Works perfectly.


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