Pre-Sales Questions

  • #1, by david-dixon-27139Saturday, 07. March 2020, 10:00 4 years ago
    1. I haven't seen any examples, however I'm assuming that one could make a game similar to 'Call of War' or 'Supremacy1' using Visionaire Studio.

    If unfamiliar, these are basically games that involve point and click actions, invoking an action like movement, attacking (when close), building and resource management, etc.

    2. Multiplayer options?

    3. Persistent world, where the time just ticks on, whether the player is logged on or not.

    Many thanks in advance for any answers.


    2 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSaturday, 07. March 2020, 11:16 4 years ago

    1. Maybe.

    2. I'm not sure. VS has support for some online functionality, but I don't think it would extend to actual multiplayer support.

    3. Maybe possible by storing time/date user quit the game session then checking it again the next time they launched the game & loaded a save file.

    All in all I don't thinkl Visionaire is the right game engine to try something like this with. I imagine you will have a difficult time creating whatever it is you are envisioning.

    You might be better off looking in GameMaker Studio or Unity - GameMaker Studio is really easy when it comes to object instancing (generating new objects with images/animations/events/rules/etc attached to them).

    Anyway, good luck with whatever you decide to do/use. wink


    7283 Posts

  • #3, by david-dixon-27139Saturday, 07. March 2020, 11:42 4 years ago
    Hey thanks 'afrme', happy to have been your 6666 post.

    I'll hang onto your 'maybe' answer for item 1 and wait to see if anyone else chips in. This was the question if Visionaire can:

    "I haven't seen any examples, however I'm assuming that one could make a game similar to 'Call of War' or 'Supremacy1' using Visionaire Studio.

    If unfamiliar, these are basically games that involve point and click actions, invoking an action like movement, attacking (when close), building and resource management, etc."

    Multiplayer and the other items were hopeful accessories, but not a necessity. Thanks again.


    2 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeSaturday, 07. March 2020, 11:53 4 years ago
    I believe Simon has been working on adding instancing support to Visionaire. He's just added in a visual scripting system, & a whole new custom scripting language based on C#, & box 2D physics engine, so to be completely honest, I have no clue what's actually possible currently.

    Visionaire was originally created with point & click adventure games in mind, but the new features are to make the engine much more flexible. Only Simon, can really tell you whether or not it's possible to create an RTS/building type game with Visionaire & if possible, then how difficult/easy it will be. I personally live behind the motto that anything is possible when it comes to VS - I'm always trying to do things that weren't intended by the engine, because it can be a fun challenge.

    In regards to the online side of the engine, VS has support for Lua socket & cURL, but I've not actually tried using either of them, so I don't have a clue what's possible to achieve with them.

    Also feel free to join our discord server, if you want. You will likely get a much faster response on there. @


    7283 Posts