Posting to Blog section

  • #1, by blaiseWednesday, 15. May 2019, 00:42 6 years ago

    Is there a reason I can not publish a blog post? Do I need any permission or am I missing something?

    *edit: I got the same "error" message when I tried to save this post too. I tought it failed to post, but it published anyways. Why?


    6 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 15. May 2019, 00:47 6 years ago
    Any member should be able to post to the blog section - unless Simon decided to make it so that only people with more than x posts can create news articles... we have had lots of spammers abusing the news section in the past.

    Maybe a moderator/admin approval system would work better, but I doubt Simon currently has the time to write/implement one of those into this site - he's busy working on the next engine update at the minute.

    Was there something specific you were wanting to post about?


    7286 Posts

  • #3, by blaiseWednesday, 15. May 2019, 00:56 6 years ago
    Well, I just finished my game I was working on for 3 years now, and I tought sharing it in a blog post would be a good idea grin


    6 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeWednesday, 15. May 2019, 01:01 6 years ago
    If you can give me an image, the description text, & the text you want to put into the article & any links then I can post it for you, I guess.

    Also, if you have twitter & tweet about any of your games that are made with visionaire studio, feel free to include #MadeWithVisionaire for a free like & retweet. wink

    P.S: probably best to send me the information on our discord server - if you have discord. you can join our server via the last icon on the right hand side of the footer section of this site.

    P.P.S: you can post it in this thread, if you prefer.


    7286 Posts