Finally I can share the demo of our game "Anamedia" a first person point and click exploration game.
I say "our" because we are two X chromosomes (quite unusual uh!) and driven by the same passion...videogames!!
Our little team named SIMILIA consisting of me, Paupasia, and Cookie is born at the beginning of this year and now we've finally reached the first step releasing this demo.
The demo is fully playable, with an ending that takes you to the next step to reach Anamedia
The story takes place in an unknown land whose existence is threatened by some strange's up to you to help!
If you want to visit our website, you can find more details, including the Demo download.
We warmly thank you for your attention and Merry Christmas everyone!
The download is under the tab THE GAME,
seems I'm unable to change the link of the button O_O